Recreation Swiss want more sustainable winter sports activities


28.11.2024 - 07:23

The Swiss want sustainable winter sports offers. (archive picture)
The Swiss want sustainable winter sports offers. (archive picture)

According to a survey, a large proportion of the Swiss population consider sustainability to be important when it comes to winter sports activities. Many were concerned about climate change, as the results of the survey by the Yougov research institute show.

54 percent of those surveyed feared that many winter sports would no longer be possible in the near future due to rising temperatures.

The use of snow cannons remained controversial. While 29 percent found it unobjectionable, 40 percent considered it problematic. 52% were in favor of winter sports resorts offering more activities without snow. Older respondents shared this opinion more strongly than younger respondents: 66% of 60- to 79-year-olds, compared to 33% of 18- to 29-year-olds.

Younger people prefer faster winter sports

According to the survey, the younger generation showed more enthusiasm for fast-paced winter sports. 72 percent of 18- to 29-year-olds stated that they ski from time to time, compared to 58 percent of the overall population. Younger people were also more active when it came to ice skating (58% vs. 37%).

30 percent of Swiss men and women who ski at least occasionally were also of the opinion that they ski better than most others. Men were even more likely to rate themselves better than women (32% vs. 27%). Regional differences were also apparent: 24 percent of French-speaking Swiss considered themselves to be worse skiers, while only 13 percent of German-speaking Swiss said the same.

According to the survey, eight percent of respondents planned to spend more money on winter sports activities in the coming season. 49 percent expected spending to remain the same, while 31 percent did not plan to spend any money at all. A total of 1008 people were interviewed for the survey between November 6 and 17.