National League Kloten loses for the first time in the third penalty shootout


21.9.2024 - 22:54

This time the worse end in the penalty shootout: Kloten goalie Sandro Zurkirchen has to admit defeat to Ambri-Piotta's Dario Bürgler
This time the worse end in the penalty shootout: Kloten goalie Sandro Zurkirchen has to admit defeat to Ambri-Piotta's Dario Bürgler

The first full round of seven games goes into overtime four times, with two decisions only being made in penalty shootouts. The most important facts from Saturday's games.

Kloten defeated for the first time

After two surprising victories - in Davos and against Bern - Kloten also went to penalties in the third game of the season. Manix Landry and Jesse Virtanen in overtime had already given the Ticino team a 2-0 lead in the first period, but the Zurich team equalized in the final period through Nicholas Steiner and Sami Niku. However, Niku's Finnish compatriot Janne Juvonen could not be beaten in the penalty shoot-out. It was the first win for the Leventines after two overtime defeats, and a logical one at that. Last season, Luca Cereda's team had won all four duels against Kloten.

Rohrer still on a high

The champions were heading for their first defeat in Bern, but Vinzenz Rohrer saved the ZSC Lions seven minutes before the end with the 2:2 equalizer in the penalty shootout. The 20-year-old from Vorarlberg had already shone the night before with a brace. It was the evening of the youngsters. Thierry Schild, still a year younger, had given the SCB a 2:1 lead. In the penalty shoot-out, Bern's goalie Adam Reideborn did not save any of Zurich's attempts. Curious: Dominik Kahun's actually scored penalty was annulled because he had made a backward movement in between.

Ajoie even weaker than last season

Ajoie wanted to take a step forward after three last-place finishes since their re-promotion. Instead, they started the season worse than ever. After the 1:4 defeat in Biel, their record is three games, zero points and 5:14 goals. The preliminary decision for the Seelanders, who won for the first time, came in the 22nd minute with a double strike from Lias Andersson and Toni Rajala within 30 seconds.

Zug remains flawless

Even without its injured star goaltender Leonardo Genoni, EV Zug remains unblemished after two games. The second home win was never in danger, after thirteen minutes the central Swiss led 2:0 against the SCL Tigers, at the beginning of the final third 3:0. Only in the 46th minute did Flavio Schmutz destroy Tim Wolf's shutout. At the end of a choppy final period, the score was 6:2.

Lausanne defeated for the first time

After its convincing start to the season in the Champions Hockey League and in the domestic championship, Lausanne had to leave the ice as losers for the first time. Although last year's play-off finalists took the lead in the 2nd minute through Finland's Ahti Oksanen, Lugano turned a 1:1 into a 3:1 within 45 seconds in the final third. Two legionnaires, Daniel Carr and Michael Joly, also scored here.

Rapperswil-Jona continues to impress

The Rapperswil-Jona Lakers remain unbeaten after three games and won for the second time after overtime in their second away game. Fribourg-Gottéron led 1-0 until the 52nd minute thanks to a power-play goal by last year's top scorer Marcus Sörensen, before defenseman Fabian Maier equalized. With 20 seconds left in overtime, the Swede Philip Holm secured the second point. Last season, the Lakers lost all four games against Fribourg.

Davos redemption

Finland's Julius Honka redeemed HC Davos after just 22 seconds of overtime with the 3:2 and the first win in the third game of the season. Servette had taken the lead for the first time in the middle third through Vincent Praplan, but Czech newcomer Filip Zadina equalized with his first goal for the Grisons team eight minutes before the end. Geneva have just one point after two games.


Ambri-Piotta - Kloten 3:2 (2:0, 0:0, 0:2, 0:0) n.P.

6390 spectators. - Referees Mollard/Fonselius (FIN), Gurtner/Altmann. - Goals: 12. Landry (Virtanen, Isacco Dotti) 1:0. 17. Virtanen (Zwerger, Kubalik/powerplay goal) 2:0. 45. Steiner (Meyer) 2:1. 55. Niku (Ramel, Profico) 2:2. - Penalty shootout: Ramel -, Heed -; Ojamäki -, Bürgler 1:0; Niku -, Kubalik 2:0; Morley -. - Penalties: 1 times 2 minutes against Ambri-Piotta, 3 times 2 minutes against Kloten. - PostFinance top scorers: Heed; Schäppi.

Ambri-Piotta: Juvonen; Heed, Zaccheo Dotti; Virtanen, Zgraggen; Wüthrich, Isacco Dotti; Terraneo; Bürgler, Heim, Müller; Muggli, Ang, Lilja; Zwerger, Landry, Kubalik; Grassi, De Luca, Pestoni; Brüschweiler.

Kloten: Zurkirchen; Niku, Profico; Grégoire, Wolf; Sidler, Steve Kellenberger; Steiner; Derungs, Aaltonen, Audette; Ojamäki, Morley, Ramel; Meier, Schäppi, Meyer; Weibel, Diem, Smirnovs; Marchon.

Remarks: Ambri-Piotta without Douay, Hedlund, Kostner, Maillet, Pezzullo (all injured) and Curran (supernumerary foreigner), Kloten without Simic (suspended) and Schreiber (injured).

Bern - ZSC Lions 2:3 (0:1, 1:0, 1:1, 0:0) n.P.

15'003 spectators. - SR Piechaczek (GER)/Hürlimann, Meusy/Obwegeser. - Goals: 15 Baltisberger (Kinnunen, Lehtonen) 0:1. 23 Lehmann (Nemeth/power play goal) 1:1. 51 Schild (Ritzmann, Kahun) 2:1. 53 Rohrer (Grant) 2:2. - Penalty shootout: Andrighetto 0:1, Bader -; Rohrer 0:2, Baumgartner -; Malgin 0:3, Kahun -. - Penalties: 2 times 2 minutes each. - PostFinance top scorers: Baumgartner; Malgin.

Bern: Reideborn; Untersander, Nemeth; Lindholm, Kreis; Vermin, Kindschi; Rhyn; Lehmann, Baumgartner, Scherwey; Kahun, Merelä, Ejdsell; Sablatnig, Bader, Marchon; Schild, Ritzmann, Simon Moser; Alain Graf.

ZSC Lions: Hrubec; Yannick Weber, Kukan; Kinnunen, Lehtonen; Trutmann, Marti; Bünzli; Andrighetto, Malgin, Balcers; Baltisberger, Lammikko, Henry; Rohrer, Grant, Zehnder; Marlon Graf, Baechler, Sigrist; Truog.

Remarks: Bern without Czarnik and Loeffel (both injured), ZSC Lions without Hollenstein (injured), Geering, Riedi (both sick) and Frödén (extra foreigner).

Zug - SCL Tigers 6:2 (2:0, 0:0, 4:2)

7223 spectators. - SR Tscherrig/Staudenmann, Stalder/Schlegel. - Goals: 4. Martschini (Geisser) 1:0. 13. Vozenilek (Kovar) 2:0. 42. Künzle (Kovar) 3:0. 46. Flavio Schmutz (Saarela, Riikola/powerplay goal) 3:1. 49. Künzle (Senteler, Stadler) 4:1. 56. Mäenalanen (power play goal) 4:2. 58. (57:19) Vozenilek (Kovar, Hofmann/at 5-on-3) 5:2. 59. (58:01) Herzog (Martschini/power play goal) 6:2. - Penalties: 3 times 2 minutes against Zug, 4 times 2 minutes against SCL Tigers. - PostFinance top scorers: Olofsson; Fahrni.

Zug: Wolf; Bengtsson, Geisser; Hansson, Stadler; Schlumpf, Riva; Balestra; Vozenilek, Kovar, Hofmann; Martschini, Olofsson, Herzog; Biasca, Senteler, Künzle; Simion, Leuenberger, Wingerli; Eggenberger.

SCL Tigers: Boltshauser; Paschoud, Riikola; Saarijärvi, Baltisberger; Cadonau, Zanetti; Guggenheim; Mäenalanen, Malone, Pesonen; Julian Schmutz, Flavio Schmutz, Saarela; Fahrni, Felcman, Allenspach; Rohrbach, Salzgeber, Lapinskis; Berger.

Remarks: Zug without Genoni (injured) and Carlsson (extra player).

Lausanne - Lugano 2:4 (1:1, 0:0, 1:3)

8723 spectators. - SR Borga/Hungerbühler, Duc/Humair. - Goals: 2. Oksanen (Heldner) 1:0. 16. Verboon (Marco Müller) 1:1. 44. (43:41) Carr (Aebischer) 1:2. 45. (44:26) Joly 1:3. 57. Sekac (Arcobello, Dahlström) 1:4. 60. (59:42) Suomela (Oksanen) 2:4. - Penalties: 2 times 2 minutes against Lausanne, 1 time 2 minutes against Lugano. - PostFinance top scorers: Rochette; Joly.

Lausanne: Pasche; Glauser, Bayreuther; Heldner, Frick; Sklenicka, Marti; Vouardoux, Fiedler; Riat, Suomela, Oksanen; Bozon, Jäger, Fuchs; Pajuniemi, Kuokkanen, Rochette; Hügli, Bougro, Holdener.

Lugano: van Pottelberghe; Hausheer, Dahlström; Aebischer, Mirco Müller; Jesper Peltonen, Alatalo; Andersson, Guerra; Joly, Thürkauf, Carr; Fazzini, Arcobello, Patry; Verboon, Marco Müller, Canonica; Zanetti, Zohorna, Sekac.

Remarks: Lausanne without Pilut, Prassl and Raffl (all injured), Lugano without Morini (injured). Lausanne without a goalkeeper from 55:22 to 56:35.

Biel - Ajoie 4:1 (0:0, 2:0, 2:1)

6047 spectators. - SR Kaukokari (FIN)/Ströbel, Gnemmi/Urfer. - Goals: 22nd (21:10) Andersson (Yakovenko, Heponiemi/power play goal) 1:0. 22nd (21:40) Rajala 2:0. 44th Pedretti (Robin, Fischer) 2:1. 49th Schläpfer (Burren) 3:1. 57th Lööv (Grossmann) 4:1 (into the empty net). - Penalties: 1 x 2 minutes against Biel, 2 x 2 minutes against Ajoie. - PostFinance top scorers: Andersson; Hazen.

Biel: Janett; Zryd, Lööv; Yakovenko, Stampfli; Christe, Grossmann; Burren; Bachofner, Andersson, Rajala; Kneubuehler, Bärtschi, Heponiemi; Hofer, Tanner, Müller; Derungs, Christen, Schläpfer.

Ajoie: Conz; Minder, Fey; Fischer, Nussbaumer; Scheidegger, Brennan; Thiry, Pilet; Hazen, Romanenghi, Pedretti; Turkulainen, Palve, Nättinen; Sopa, Devos, Veckaktins; Robin, Garessus, Bozon.

Remarks: Biel without Brunner, Delémont, Haas, Reinhard and Sallinen (all injured), Ajoie without Frossard, Maurer, Rundqvist and Schmutz (all injured). Ajoie without a goalkeeper from 56:48 to 57:00.

Fribourg-Gottéron - Rapperswil-Jona Lakers 1:2 (0:0, 1:0, 0:1, 0:1) n.V.

9119 spectators. - SR Hebeisen/Arpagaus, Steenstra (CAN)/Kehrli. - Goals: 33rd Sörensen (DiDomenico/powerplay goal) 1:0. 52nd Maier (Moy, Taibel) 1:1. 65th (64:40) Holm (Aberg) 1:2. - Penalties: 1 x 2 minutes against Fribourg-Gottéron, 4 x 2 minutes against Rapperswil-Jona Lakers. - PostFinance top scorers: De la Rose; Jensen.

Fribourg-Gottéron: Berra; Diaz, Borgman; Gunderson, Streule; Rathgeb, Jecker; Sutter; Sörensen, Wallmark, Mottet; Bertschy, De la Rose, DiDomenico; Binias, Schmid, Dorthe; Sprunger, Walser, Jeremi Gerber; Näf.

Rapperswil-Jona Lakers: Punnenovs; Baragano, Maier; Henauer, Colin Gerber; Jelovac, Holm; Bisig, Alge; Moy, Rask, Jensen; Wick, Dünner, Wetter; Aberg, Albrecht, Strömwall; Hofer, Taibel, Zangger.

Remarks: Fribourg-Gottéron without Marchon (sick), Rapperswil-Jona Lakers without Capaul, Djuse, Lammer, Larsson, Quinn (all injured) and Nyffeler (sick).

Davos - Genève-Servette 3:2 (1:0, 0:2, 1:0, 1:0) n.V.

4281 spectators. - SR Lemelin (USA)/Gerber, Cattaneo/Huguet. - Goals: 20th (19:16) Tambellini (Ryfors) 1:0. 26th Vatanen (Manninen) 1:1. 36th Praplan (Hartikainen) 1:2. 53rd Zadina (Honka) 2:2. 61st (60:22) Honka (Corvi, Stransky) 3:2. - Penalties: 2 times 2 minutes against Davos, 3 times 2 minutes against Genève-Servette. - PostFinance top scorers: Ryfors; Hartikainen.

Davos: Aeschlimann; Honka, Dahlbeck; Fora, Gross; Guebey, Barandun; Lichtensteiger; Stransky, Corvi, Ambühl; Frehner, Ryfors, Tambellini; Nussbaumer, Egli, Zadina; Wieser, Gredig, Knak; Parrée.

Genève-Servette: Mayer; Vatanen, Berni; Jacquemet, Lennström; Le Coultre, Chanton; Schneller; Jooris, Spacek, Bertaggia; Hartikainen, Manninen, Praplan; Loosli, Richard, Hischier; Guignard, Maillard, Völlmin.

Remarks: Davos without Jung (suspended), Kessler and Nordström (both injured), Genève-Servette without Descloux, Granlund (both sick), Cavalleri, Miranda, Pouliot and Rod (all injured).