SRF throws out "Zivadiliring" "We didn't ask for a pay rise"

Bruno Bötschi


SRF is discontinuing "Zivadiliring" with immediate effect. Gülsha Adilji, Yvonne Eisenring and Maja Zivadinovic, the trio behind the successful podcast, regret the decision - and feel they have been treated unfairly.

No time? blue News summarizes for you

  • What a bang in the media world: SRF is throwing out the podcast "Zivadiliring" with immediate effect.
  • The firing of Gülsha Adilji, Yvonne Eisenring and Maja Zivadinovic is all the more surprising because the three podcasters are very popular with their fans.
  • On October 26, 2025, the three women will be the first podcasters ever to perform at the Hallenstadion in Zurich. Tickets sold out within ten days.
  • "We didn't ask for a pay rise. We would have been very happy to stay on the terms we had," say Adilji, Eisenring and Zivadinovic when asked by blue News.

Maja Zivadinovic, Gülsha Adilji and Yvonne Eisenring, how surprised are you by SRF's decision to axe your podcast "Zivadiliring" with immediate effect?

The collaboration with SRF was always very pleasant, we felt comfortable and the numbers have also been increasing until recently. In 2024, we were the third most listened to podcast in Switzerland on Spotify. On November 26, our former producer Anita Richner, who is now responsible for the program, said in the two-hour episode:

"You guys have succeeded in doing something insane, it's mega cool! For me, the most important thing is that we do something cool for our audience, something that makes them feel picked up and recognize themselves, and you've really achieved that. Congrats!"

You must be all the more shocked about being kicked out ...

We didn't see the end coming and are equally surprised and sad, "Zivadiliring" is a project close to our hearts.

When exactly did you find out that SRF would no longer be producing and distributing your podcast from 2025?

Last September, we were told that the new contracts had to be discussed. In the course of the contract renewal, SRF then decided that they didn't want to continue the podcast under any conditions.

However, we only found out after the last episodes for 2024 had been recorded that SRF had decided not to continue producing and distributing "Zivadiliring".

"Zivadiliring" is one of the most successful podcasts in Switzerland. Why is SRF suddenly kicking you out now?

You have to ask SRF that.

Was your podcast too successful - or were your salary expectations too high when negotiating the new contracts?

We didn't ask for a pay rise. We would have been very happy to stay on the terms we had. We can't say much about the reasons, so it's best to contact SRF directly. (Editor's note: You can find SRF's statement in this article).

What's next for "Zivadiliring": Will you be producing the podcast independently in future?

As we only recently found out about this decision, we first have to digest it and then move on.

On October 26, 2025, you will be the first Swiss podcast to perform in the Hallenstadion with "Zivadiliring". Will SRF's decision have an impact on this live performance?

No, the show will go ahead as planned. We're really looking forward to seeing our community live on October 26, 2025.

When will the next episode of "Zivadiliring" be released?

As of today, we don't know. But when the time comes, we'll let you know via our social media channels.

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