Sports presenter provides insights Valentina Maceri: "I didn't really feel like I belonged anywhere"

Fabienne Kipfer


On "Lässer", presenter Valentina Maceri gives an insight into her private life and reveals why her parents weren't thrilled when she decided to play football.

No time? blue News summarizes for you

  • Valentina Maceri once played in the Champions League before deciding to pursue a career as a sports journalist.
  • Today, she inspires viewers with her expertise. She also regularly hosts football evenings on blue Sport with Roman Kilchsperger.
  • In the show "Lässer", Maceri talks about her career and reveals where her love of football comes from.

"I always had this passion for football and really wanted to play for a club, but my parents were against it," says Valentina Maceri.

The former professional footballer and sports presenter talks to Claudia Lässer about her great love - football. Her cousin introduced her to the sport because he needed someone to stand in goal. But her parents were not at all enthusiastic about her playing football.

"My parents wanted me to be more feminine," says Maceri. She was a "maschiaccia", a girl who did not behave according to the gender roles prescribed by society.

Nevertheless, she decided to pursue a career in professional football. After the first season, however, she realized that the prospects were slim.

Back then, you earned enough to live on. But she witnessed how some of her teammates did not get a contract extension at 30 or 35. She didn't want that, so she decided to study.

"I had the feeling that I didn't really belong anywhere"

Her plan worked out, but it was a rocky road. "Especially in Germany as a foreigner," adds the 32-year-old. She didn't look like the classic prototype of a sports presenter.

Of course, people are becoming more and more open when it comes to diversity, but this was not the case at the beginning of her television career. As a woman, you already had to contend with prejudices and as a foreigner with her own opinion, it was even more difficult.

"I had the feeling that I didn't really belong anywhere," says the sports presenter. She couldn't be easily pigeonholed. "But I always got good feedback for my work", which encouraged her.

In the blue Zoom show "Lässer", Valentina Maceri also talks about her private life and explains why she wants to move away from Germany.

You can watch the whole show with Valentina Maceri here or on blue Zoom ...

... and here as a podcast