"Saudoof or good"? Tiktoker Flavio Stucki polarizes with "Meteo" announcement

Carlotta Henggeler


SRF has been trying to appeal to a young target audience for some time now and is therefore taking a risk: "Virus" host and Tiktoker Flavio Stucki is presenting a "Meteo" episode - and causing a debate.

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  • It's an open secret that SRF wants to attract a younger target audience.
  • That's why SRF sends Flavio Stucki, presenter and TikTok host of SRF Virus, onto the sacred "Meteo" roof and lets him host an episode.
  • The result? Mixed reactions. "Meteo" boss Thomas Bucheli takes it in his stride: "There was a lot of feedback - both positive and critical."

Together with the main edition of "Tagesschau", "Meteo" is one of SRF's highest-reach programs. They are the flagships of the public broadcaster.

SRF has been aiming at a younger target audience for some time now, which is why "Virus" TV presenter Flavio Stucki hosts the Tuesday edition of "Meteo" on the TV roof. Stucki has almost 35,000 fans on TikTok and 29,000 followers on Instagram.

Stucki's introduction - in dialect - sounds like this: "What's going on, people, in the Game of Life? That's SRF-Meteo. The sexy handsome boy you see in front of you is called Flavio Stucki. His favorite animal is the tapir, and now he's going to deliver what I'm used to seeing from him."

Stucki's "Meteo" interlude lasts around one and a half minutes and triggers many reactions, as reported by "persönlich.com".

"Meteo" boss Thomas Bucheli told the industry portal about the experiment: "SRF is television for everyone. With Flavio Stucki's appearance at the beginning of the program, 'Meteo' wanted to appeal to the younger target group for once."

Gaudenz Flury: "People either thought it was really stupid or really good"

Bucheli adds: "The program was broadcast in the usual style afterwards. This meant that the loyal viewers were also competently informed as usual."

And what was the verdict on Flavio Stucki's "Meteo" presentation? "There was a lot of feedback - both positive and critical."

"Meteo" presenter Gaudenz Flury brought the show to a close and said of the Stucki test: "People either thought it was really stupid or really good."

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