Dangerous vacations These are the most unsafe cities for travelers

Vanessa Büchel


According to an analysis by "Forbes", Caracas is the most dangerous city for travelers.
According to an analysis by "Forbes", Caracas is the most dangerous city for travelers.
AP Photo/Cristian Hernandez

Some cities in the world are better not to travel to on vacation. An analysis by Forbes experts shows which are the most dangerous destinations.

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  • The security situation is not equally stable in every country.
  • In certain cities, there is a greater risk of crime or natural disasters.
  • As part of a travel insurance analysis,"Forbes" has evaluated which cities are the most dangerous and which are the safest.

While some people opt for picturesque nature when choosing their vacation destination, for others a distinct selection of cultural attractions plays a more important role. For others, a wide range of culinary delights is important.

What perhaps every traveler pays attention to: How safe a destination is. After all, you don't want to have to worry around the clock on vacation, you want to feel safe.

Theft, armed robberies, natural disasters and other threats are more common in some countries than in others.

As a tourist, it is always important to find out about the current situation in the country before booking or leaving. And finally, to go about your vacation with caution once you are there.

"Forbes" has compiled an overview for all travelers of which cities in the world are the safest. And on the other side of the list, it also summarizes where it is most dangerous.

Caracas is the most dangerous city in the world

Summertime is travel time. If you're not abroad right now, you might still be planning a trip for the next six months.

And for those who have yet to decide where to go, the evaluation of the US business magazine, which also includes the "Forbes Advisor" consulting platform, could help them choose a vacation destination.

These are the ten most dangerous cities in the world:
1. Caracas, Venezuela
2. Karachi, Pakistan
3. Yangon, Myanmar
4. Lagos, Nigeria
5. Manila, Philippines
6. Dhaka, Bangladesh
7. Bogotá, Colombia
8. Cairo, Egypt
9. Mexico City, Mexico
10. Quito, Ecuador

The Forbes experts took into account various factors such as crime risk, personal security risk, health security risk, digital security risk, terrorist threats and the frequency of natural disasters.

Infrastructure and the level and quality of healthcare services in a city also play a role.

Caracas, the capital of Venezuela, tops the list of the most dangerous cities. The Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) also warns against traveling to Venezuela: "Great attention should be paid to personal safety. Travel to certain parts of the country is not recommended. The crime rate and propensity for violence are high," writes the FDFA on its website.

Zurich - the 5th safest place in the world

Zurich, on the other hand, makes it into the reverse list - and lands in fifth place among the safest cities in the world.

European cities generally do well in terms of safety, but Paris (31st place), Milan (26th place) and Rome (28th place) do not fare quite as well.

These are the ten safest cities in the world:
1. Singapore, Singapore
2. Tokyo, Japan
3. Toronto, Canada
4. Sydney, Australia
5. Zurich, Switzerland
6. Copenhagen, Denmark
7. Seoul, South Korea
8. Osaka, Japan
9. Melbourne, Australia
10. Amsterdam, Netherlands

Ultimately, it is up to the individual to decide which factors to focus on when choosing a travel destination. However, playing it safe is always a good idea.

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