Kalina of Bulgaria The muscular princess

Bruno Bötschi


Princess Kalina of Bulgaria and her husband Antonio Kitin Muñoz (far left) were among the most conspicuous guests at the funeral of King Ferdinand I of Bulgaria in May.
Princess Kalina of Bulgaria and her husband Antonio Kitin Muñoz (far left) were among the most conspicuous guests at the funeral of King Ferdinand I of Bulgaria in May.
Picture: Keystone

Whether it's football, tennis or running - even royals want to stay fit. Princess Kalina of Bulgaria seems to be even more sports-mad. "I don't feel well without training," says the 52-year-old.

No time? blue News summarizes for you

  • Kalina of Bulgaria caused a stir with her muscular body at a funeral of all places.
  • Now the 52-year-old princess has revealed in an interview how and why she trains so hard.
  • "I don't feel well without training. It's all about staying healthy and feeling good," Kalina told the Spanish magazine "Hola".

She was one of the most eye-catching guests at the funeral of King Ferdinand I of Bulgaria in Sofia last May: Princess Kalina.

This was mainly due to her muscular arms, which stood out particularly well in her off-the-shoulder dress.

The 52-year-old revealed in an interview with the Spanish magazine "Hola" that her athletic figure was the result of a consistent training plan.

The consequences of intensive strength training

And this is what the Bulgarian aristocrat's weekly fitness program looks like:

On Monday and Thursday, she trains her core, i.e. legs, back, triceps and bottom. On Tuesday and Friday, it's then the turn of her chest, shoulders, biceps and again her bottom.

The noticeable muscle areas on her upper and lower arms are the result of intensive strength training, which the princess has been doing for four years under the guidance of her Spanish fitness trainer Carlos Flórez.

This includes the following exercises in the fitness center: lat pulldowns with a weight of 70 kilos, shoulder presses with 30 kilos and bicep curls with 20 kilos.

Kalina: "I don't feel well without training"

In addition to strength training, Kalina of Bulgaria, the daughter of the last Tsar of Bulgaria, Simeon II (86), is also often out and about on foot. "In the morning, I usually take my dog for a walk, often for four hours."

The 52-year-old also goes jogging regularly, indulges in skiing and water sports and is a keen kite surfer and horse rider.

"I don't feel well without training. It's all about staying healthy and feeling good," says Kalina from Bulgaria in "Hola" magazine.

"What I don't put on my plate doesn't make me fat"

And of course, the mother of a teenage son also makes sure she eats a varied diet. Here is an overview of the foods she uses to keep fit:

In the morning, she eats carbohydrates, rice, boiled potatoes, pasta, muesli and fruit. At lunchtime, she only treats herself to boiled eggs, grilled fish or chicken and, if necessary, a glass of goat's milk.

The motto of the sports-loving princess, who doesn't drink alcohol, is: "What I don't put on my plate doesn't make me fat."

She also makes sure that she always gets enough nutrients, i.e. protein and carbohydrates, during a training session.

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