Injured at the Olympic GamesSRF presenter Annette Fetscherin: "Pain is gone - that worries me"
Carlotta Henggeler
Sports presenter Annette Fetscherin is reporting on the Olympic Games in Paris for SRF. She is injured after a riding accident - despite the challenge, she is looking forward to the 2024 sporting highlight: "It's a special tingling sensation!" she tells blue News in an interview.
26.07.2024, 11:01
27.07.2024, 11:58
Carlotta Henggeler
No time? blue News summarizes for you
TV sports expert Annette Fetscherin suffered a serious broken arm in a riding accident in June. She is reporting from the 2024 Summer Olympics with a bandaged hand.
"The pain is almost gone," says Fetscherin in an interview with blue News shortly before her departure to Paris.
Annette Fetscherin and her colleague, TV sports journalist Lukas Studer, will be covering the Summer Olympics on location for SRF.
SRF will be showing at least 14 hours of live TV programming every day. Medal winners and other guests will be welcomed to the studio by the presenter duo Fetscherin/Studer.
Annette Fetscherin appears at the parking lot in front of the Schützenwiese in Winterthur ZH with her arm bandaged in color shortly before her departure to the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris.
Annette Fetscherin had to have surgery on a badly broken arm after an equestrian accident in June: "The pain is almost gone," says the TV sports journalist.
But working under these conditions is a challenge. Especially as she writes down a lot in preparation for her reporting.
Annette Fetscherin: "The anticipation prevails"
But Annette Fetscherin has found a trick to help her cope better with her handicap. She reveals what it is in the video interview.
Markus Jutzler, Managing Director of FC Winterthur, turns up and greets her in a friendly manner. Annette Fetscherin is a familiar face in the football world. No wonder, she started reporting for the private broadcaster Teleclub in 2008.
She has the microphone plugged in for the interview, which is impossible with one hand.
But despite breaking her arm, Annette Fetscherin doesn't let the excitement of the Summer Olympics in Paris get in the way: "The anticipation outweighs the excitement," says Fetscherin.
Reporting on the Summer Olympics in Paris 2024 for SRF: sports experts Annette Fetscherin and colleague Lukas Studer.
SRF/Gian Vaitl
She knows that she will be pushed to her limits when it comes to reporting. These are very intense and long days for the sports journalist, she says in the interview.
After many years in the TV business, she is no longer nervous: "But there will be a special tingling sensation before the first live Olympic broadcast. It's a big moment, sports history will be written again!"