"Lazy millionaire's daughters"Shania and Davina Geiss defend themselves against hate comments
Fabian Tschamper
Davina (l.) and Shania defend themselves against hate comments on the internet. Just because they are the Geisses' daughters doesn't mean it's "daddy's money".
Pictures from Dubai or Bali often cause misunderstandings among the Geiss daughters. But Davina and Shania emphasize that they work for their lifestyle themselves - and are not intimidated by haters.
25.10.2024, 22:34
30.10.2024, 11:15
Fabian Tschamper
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Davina and Shania Geiss defend themselves against accusations that they only live off their father's money and emphasize that they earn their own living.
Father Robert Geiss supports his daughters at work and makes a point of raising them to be down-to-earth by having them cover their own expenses.
Despite hate comments and misunderstandings about their lifestyle, the Geiss daughters emphasize that they are often away on business when they travel.
Not only do Robert and Carmen Geiss' daughters have to deal with unwanted advances from their followers. Davina and Shania also receive hate comments on a daily basis. Above all, they are accused of living off their father's money - they are "lazy millionaire daughters".
In an interview with "Bunte ", they now defend themselves against these attacks.
They insist that they have earned their living themselves: "There's none of my dad's money. I work myself, do TikTok, Instagram. We make 'Die Geissens' and also 'Davina & Shania - We love Monaco'," says Davina. The money in her account is all her own.
Used to hate comments
Robert Geiss also commented on this and assured: "We try to keep teaching the children about the business." And the children emphasize that they have to pay for everything they want themselves. "Mom and dad are strict about that, they raised us very down-to-earth. It was always important to them that we didn't just get everything," Davina continues.
They are already used to comments from complete strangers, and that would never change. They can make it clear countless times that they don't live off mom and dad - it doesn't matter.
Pictures from Dubai or Bali are immediately associated with vacations among their followers, but they are often there to work.