"Only costs energy" SAC hut warden quits because of Instagram tourists

Sven Ziegler


Claudia Freitag quits after four years.
Claudia Freitag quits after four years.

Higher demands and wrong behavior: Internet tourists are making the work of SAC hut warden Claudia Freitag in Glarnerland more difficult. Now she is stepping down.

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  • Higher demands and wrong behavior: Internet tourists are making the work of SAC hut warden Claudia Freitag in Glarnerland more difficult.
  • Now she is stepping down.
  • After four years, she is stepping down.

Claudia Freitag, hut warden at the Muttseehütte above Linthal GL, is giving up her demanding job after four years. The 15-hour days, seven days a week, have exhausted her. "The work takes a lot of energy that I can't get back," says the hut warden.

She finds it particularly frustrating to deal with young guests who only come to the mountains for social media photos and are often ill-equipped. In addition, many are unaware of how to behave in the mountains.

Freitag notes that many guests do not understand the difference between a mountain restaurant in the valley and a simple SAC hut. She knows that these people often don't know any better. "They don't see that we have to let the waste they deposit with us fly down," says Freitag.

Complicated wild campers and crowds of tourists

In addition, the demands are constantly increasing. Allergies and intolerances, for example, play a major role when it comes to food. Guests are also arriving later and later. "They arrive at 4 pm and want something warm to eat" - even though the train only runs until 6 pm. That's why the hot meals are only available until 4 p.m., after which only overnight guests receive a hot meal.

Locals are increasingly avoiding the region. The reason is the crowds of tourists. Last weekend, the waiting time at the cable car was around two hours. "Locals don't do that. Understandably," says the hut warden.

Wild campers also complicate the situation further. "That costs a lot of energy," says Freitag. That's why she now wants to relax - in the mountains. She doesn't have a new job yet.