Correct premonition Princess Diana's prediction about Camilla is confirmed

Fabian Tschamper


Princess Diana died in Paris on August 31, 1997.
Princess Diana died in Paris on August 31, 1997.
imago/Photoshot/John Shelley Collection

Princess Diana and her "mistress" Camilla never got on. However, the late Royal correctly predicted the development of today's Queen - even back then.

No time? blue News summarizes for you

  • Diana recognized early on the strong bond between Charles and Camilla and their loyalty.
  • Camilla, once despised, is now held in high esteem by the British public.
  • According to expert Jennie Bond, Camilla has taken on the role of Queen in an exemplary manner, something Diana foresaw 30 years ago.

When Diana and Camilla crossed paths in Charles' love life, the public was always - and understandably - sympathetic to the young princess.

She was perceived as sensitive, loving and down-to-earth. Camilla was nicknamed the "Rottweiler".

As BBC correspondent Jennie Bond tells the Mirror, Diana knew of the strong attraction between Camilla and Charles. The princess even dared to make a Camilla prediction. Bond spoke to the late Diana several times and is therefore certain: "Diana was right when she told me that Camilla was loyal and that Charles' love for her was stronger than any marriage he could have entered into."

She was spot on. Today, Camilla is no longer the "Rottweiler", no, she even enjoys a high reputation among the British population - she is likeable and has taken on the role of Queen in an exemplary manner.

Camilla was put down for years, humiliated by the people and the media - now she has finally been able to leave the image of the mistress and all the hatred behind her. "She has a huge workload, an enormous responsibility - and she looks and sounds great," Bond continues.

The royal expert thus confirms Diana's prediction: "Camilla wants the man she loves to be proud of her." What the Princess was by nature back then, a philanthropist, Camilla worked for over decades. Not to follow in the footsteps of her predecessor, but to be a strong queen at Charles' side.

Diana knew this 30 years before Charles III ascended the throne.

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