Annual horoscope 2025 Monica Kissling: "Aquarians should realize their vision"

Bruno Bötschi


Virgo-born people have a birthday between January 21 and February 19.
Virgo-born people have a birthday between January 21 and February 19.
Picture: pixabay/lenhelfinger

Astrologer Monica Kissling has looked to the stars and reveals how you can make 2025 your lucky year. Aquarians should take their chance and realize ideas together with like-minded people.

No time? blue News summarizes for you

  • The big blue News annual horoscope: astrologer Monica Kissling has looked into the stars and tells you what they have in store for you.
  • 2025 is a special year. It is a year of transition into a new era. A lot has to be let go, new things have to be discovered and shaped first.
  • This requires patience, trust and the willingness to act according to the principle of trial and error. Where the journey will lead is still completely open.
  • Download your annual horoscope as a PDF here.

You've always been a trendsetter. Now that the transformation planet Pluto has definitely entered your zodiac sign - and will remain there until 2043 - your time has come.

Forward-looking ideas that were previously considered crazy by those around you are increasingly in tune with the spirit of the times.

Take your chance and open up a gap in the market: Realize your ideas together with like-minded people!

Commit yourself to progress

If you don't want to found a start-up right away, you can get active in your free time.

What is your vision of a better world? In what area and in what form do you want to get involved?

For you as an Aquarius, it's never just about personal goals, but about social issues. You will find your purpose in life and your happiness if you can stand up for your values.

Get specific

It is important that your ideas no longer remain just theories, but find their way into practice. This is the only way to find out what really works and the only way to develop personally.

For example, you could work as a campaigner or fundraiser for a charitable foundation, organization, political party, trade union or association.

Or develop your communication skills as a speaker. In 2025, you can raise public awareness of your concerns.

Be committed

For your personal development, it is now important that you make a binding and long-term commitment.

This means giving up some of the independence that is so important to you. However, you won't lose anything by doing so, but you will gain something, namely the experience of a deep connection with other people.

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