SRF presenter very open Mona Vetsch reveals surprising new hobby

Sven Ziegler


Radio and television presenter Mona Vetsch has bought and furnished a garden shed. It was her highlight of the summer, she says.
Radio and television presenter Mona Vetsch has bought and furnished a garden shed. It was her highlight of the summer, she says.

The popular radio and television presenter Mona Vetsch (49) is doing things in middle age that she would never have considered in the past. Her highlight of the summer was buying a garden shed.

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  • Vetsch describes middle age as a stressful "sandwich generation" between children, partner and parents.
  • Professionally, you are faced with the choice of sticking it out or reinventing yourself.
  • Nevertheless, she finds joy in new hobbies such as gardening.

Middle age is a difficult time, Vetsch notes in "Sonntagsblick" from her own experience. "You have children to look after. You reach a point with your partner where you have to think: can we still be a couple after the children have grown up? You become more susceptible to illness," says the woman from Thurgau.

In the middle of your career, you're middle-aged and have to step on the gas again to keep going or start something completely new. And suddenly your own parents become more needy. "That's why we middle-aged people are called the sandwich generation. There's pressure from all sides," says Vetsch.

"Totally found" in gardening

She is currently touring Switzerland with her stage partner Tom Gisler, who is the same age, with the program "Im mittleren Alter". However, Vetsch can also take positives from this phase of life. "You do things that you would never have considered before. When you reach middle age, you become the person you never wanted to be," jokes Vetsch.

She bought and furnished a garden shed. That was her highlight of the summer. As a young person, she would only have laughed if someone had predicted that she would one day have a garden and read gardening magazines. Gisler confirms that he and Vetsch "totally found each other" in gardening.

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