Celebrities reveal their useful life Mike Müller doesn't use his cell phone in the toilet - Albert Rösti has no time

Carlotta Henggeler


While many celebrities can hardly get away from their cell phones, Federal Councillor Albert Rösti remains steadfast. A new newspaper survey shows the screen time of Swiss celebrities.

No time? blue News summarizes for you

  • Actor Mike Müller tries to reduce his cell phone use by avoiding it in certain areas and recommends switching to black and white.
  • Wendy Holdener enjoys having her cell phone in flight mode on the ski slopes and uses it for about two hours a day, partly for training.
  • Federal Councillor Albert Rösti did not specify his usage time in the "SonntagsZeitung" survey. Rösti on the question of whether he uses it too often: "No, I don't have time for that."

On the slopes, Wendy Holdener 's cell phone is in flight mode. "I enjoy that," she told the SonntagsZeitung newspaper. She gets around two hours of screen time every day. She also needs her smartphone for training, among other things.

She therefore divides her cell phone time into "good" and "useless" time. However, there are definitely days when she simply spends too much time on her cell phone.

Media Minister Albert Rösti has no time

Media Minister Albert Rösti did not share his cell phone consumption with the Swiss newspaper. The Sonntagszeitung asked Rösti whether he spends too much time on his cell phone, to which he replied: "No, I don't have the time."

That is why he has not imposed any limits on himself. Federal Councillor Rösti: "The cell phone is an important work tool for me. But I also use it to keep in touch with my family and friends."

Mike Müller has a tip against spending too much time on your cell phone

For actor Mike Müller, the toilet - in addition to the bed and sofa - is a cell phone-free zone. He wants to curb his cell phone use.

He did not want to reveal the exact usage time. It is also not representative. He also spends a lot of time in front of the computer screen and tablet. He uses his cell phone "definitely too much", he admitted.

The 60-year-old has a tip for anyone who wants to limit their cell phone use: "Set the screen to black and white. Hammer."

Karpi uses his cell phone as little as possible in the presence of his daughter

Patrick Karpiczenko - alias Karpi - spends a good three and a half hours a day looking at the small screen. He admits that he spends a lot of time on his cell phone. But he doesn't regret it. The hours would accumulate on the road or in a quiet room. "That's why I call it the 'toilet entertainment system'," said the satirist.

However, he has imposed one rule on himself: He uses his cell phone as little as possible in the presence of his daughter.

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