Insights into her relationship with Donald Melania Trump reveals: "Our first date was in the car"

Jenny Keller


Melania Trump publishes her "memoirs" on October 8, 2024.
Melania Trump publishes her "memoirs" on October 8, 2024.

Melania Trump speaks in an interview for the first time in two years. She provides insights into her private life, including previously unknown details of her relationship with Donald Trump.

No time? blue News summarizes for you

  • Melania Trump gave an interview after two years to talk about her marriage to Donald Trump and previously unpublished details.
  • The occasion is the publication of her memoirs on October 8.
  • Her first date with Donald Trump took place in a car and on a property that Donald wanted to buy.
  • Melania spoke about why she only wanted one child.

For the first time in two years, former First Lady Melania Trump steps back into the spotlight and gives an exclusive interview. The occasion is the publication of her "memoirs" on October 8, in which she reveals previously unknown details about her marriage to Donald Trump.

"It's time for me to tell my story - and the truth," she explained in an interview on Fox News' "Fox & Friends", which aired on Thursday. In the interview, Melania gives a rare insight into the beginnings of her relationship with Donald Trump.

"Fox & Friends" host Ainsley Earhardt speaks with former First Lady Melania Trump.
"Fox & Friends" host Ainsley Earhardt speaks with former First Lady Melania Trump.
FOX News (Screenshot)

The former First Lady spoke with host Ainsley Earnhardt about the beginnings of her relationship with Trump and dryly comments, "We met at a party, you can read a whole chapter about it in the book." If you're not going to read the book, let me tell you at this point: It was 1998 at the Kit Kat Club in New York City.

An undisturbed first date in the car

Melania also describes the following first date rather unenthusiastically with: "If you can even call it a date." In fact, the supposedly romantic date consisted of an hour-long drive to a property that her future husband was interested in.

Melania apparently didn't mind, she claims: "It was very nice," she recalls. She particularly liked the time they spent undisturbed in the car. "We were alone in the car for about an hour or an hour and a half. No other noises, no other people."

By this point, Donald was already a celebrity, and Melania appreciated the rare opportunity to get to know him in a private setting. "I loved the vision he had. And the connection we had. It was very special."

The whole interview on Fox & Friends

Melania also talks about her engagement to the entrepreneur in 2004: "It was my birthday. And the Met Gala at the same time. All in one evening. We were already at home, both in gala outfits. Then he proposed."

Donald had not revealed any political ambitions to her at the time. "We didn't talk about it at the time," Melania reveals. It was only later that her husband mentioned that he wanted to enter politics.

Trump wedding went "well"

The presenter asks how the wedding went. "As a bride, you want to make sure everything goes smoothly, and it did. We had a good day," Melania says. "It went."

The former first lady becomes more talkative and engaging when it comes to her modeling career, the source of those circa-2000 nude photos that may - or may not - appear in the upcoming book. She explains that this career gave her the thick skin she needed as a politician's wife.

"The fashion world is glamorous but at the same time very hard because everyone judges you and sees you in a certain way. So it can be a mean world. Nothing has prepared me for this world more than fashion."

"I am responsible for everything"

Another interesting detail from the interview concerns the couple's family planning. Although the couple did not have any more children after the birth of their now 18-year-old son Barron, Melania reveals that Donald would definitely have liked more offspring.

Melania didn't want siblings: only child Barron Trump leaves Trump Tower in New York City.
Melania didn't want siblings: only child Barron Trump leaves Trump Tower in New York City.

But she was happy with one child, as the family's life was already very full. "I'm responsible for everything, so it's just perfect."

She then goes on to describe Donald as "caring" and their relationship together as "beautiful". And: "His humor, his personality, his kindness - he's very special. His positivity. His energy. It's incredible." At the same time, she turns away from the connection with her husband and the decisions of other family members:

"I have no control over my husband, I have no control over his children, I don't even have control over my own child," she says. "He's his own person, and we all have yeses and noes, and we're all individuals. As long as you live your life with respect, that's all that matters."

Second move into the White House?

When asked how she feels about Donald's renewed presidential candidacy, she emphasizes: "I support him." Although Melania has barely made an appearance in the current election campaign and has not been present at important events such as the Republican Party convention or the debate with Kamala Harris, she is still officially at her husband's side.

And so on November 5, 2024, when the US elections take place and Donald Trump runs again, it will be decided whether Melania Trump will move into the White House again.