"Stop the plane, I have to get off" Love-struck passenger prevents plane from taking off

Vanessa Büchel


A plane of the Spanish airline Iberia had to turn back on the runway at Turin airport because a passenger didn't want to fly but wanted to see his sweetheart. (archive picture)
A plane of the Spanish airline Iberia had to turn back on the runway at Turin airport because a passenger didn't want to fly but wanted to see his sweetheart. (archive picture)

This scene could be straight out of a romantic comedy: A passenger prevented an Iberia plane from taking off in Turin because he wanted to stay with the love of his life.

No time? blue News summarizes for you

  • A passenger on an Iberia flight from Turin to Madrid did not have his cell phone in flight mode during take-off and received a call from his girlfriend, who asked him to stay.
  • He immediately wanted to leave the plane and return to the love of his life.
  • An argument broke out with the crew, but in the end the love-struck passenger had a happy ending: the captain turned back and let him disembark.

This man is floating above the clouds even without taking off - or to be more precise, on cloud nine. According to reports in the Italian media, he caused an Iberia plane to turn back at Turin airport in Italy because of his love madness.

The plane was already on the runway with its engines running. The crew was still waiting for clearance from the tower.

By this time, the passengers ' cell phones should have been in flight mode. But one of them did not follow the instructions and suddenly the love-struck man's smartphone rang.

A quick call from his girlfriend asking him to "stay with her in Turin" - and the man was desperate to get back to the love of his life. "Stop everything, I have to get off, I have to get off," the passenger is said to have shouted.

Happy ending without major consequences

This led to an argument between the Lovebird and the crew, as eyewitnesses reported to the Italian newspaper "Corriere della Sera ".

The flight crew then made several phone calls. In the end, however, there was a happy ending for the man: the pilot decided to turn back and let the passenger disembark. Because the passenger was so nervous and agitated, he could have become a danger to flight safety, according to reports.

The plane was on its way to Madrid and was finally able to take off after a 70-minute delay.

There will be no repercussions for the love-struck passenger's cinematic appearance. He will not be fined. "As long as the plane has not taken off, the passenger has the right to disembark," Bild quotes the airport operator Sagat as saying.

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