"It wasn't a good thing on my part"Jens Lehmann regrets his drink-driving
4.11.2024 - 13:59
Jens Lehmann
After driving under the influence of alcohol, Jens Lehmann shows his understanding and admits that he should have avoided it. However, the incident could have further consequences.
04.11.2024, 13:59
04.11.2024, 14:00
Former national goalkeeper Jens Lehmann (54) recently experienced an unpleasant turn of events after a visit to the Oktoberfest. Under the influence of alcohol, he got behind the wheel and was stopped by the police, which led to unavoidable consequences.
"It was not a good thing on my part"
In an interview with 'Welt TV', Lehmann was remorseful: "With 0.7 per mille, you get your driver's license revoked for four weeks. That's the right thing to do." He admitted that he had made a mistake by thinking he could still drive. "It wasn't a good thing on my part, and I regret it. I misjudged myself and drove two hours after the event." However, Lehmann emphasized that he was not as drunk as was sometimes portrayed: "It was sometimes portrayed as if I had been totally drunk, which was not the case at all."
Possible consequences for Lehmann
However, the matter may not be over yet. When asked whether he would get his driver's license back after four weeks, Lehmann remained vague: "There's still a follow-up story. We'll see about that." In addition to the blood alcohol level, symptoms of alcohol-related impairment could also play a role. These months have been difficult for Lehmann anyway, as he was sentenced to a fine of 135,000 euros at the end of September for damage to property and attempted fraud. He had cut a roof beam in his neighbor's garage with a chainsaw and was accused of not paying the parking fees at Munich Airport. At least there is currently no temptation to avoid parking garage fees - Lehmann would have to drive himself.