Swiss celebrities on 7 deadly sins Irina Beller on greed: "We women prefer to take"

Fabian Tschamper


Are the biblical deadly sins still relevant or even helpful today? Swiss television SRF tried to find out together with celebrities. The results will surprise some of you.


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  • Today is a time of exuberance, of eccentricity. How do we live with the biblical deadly sins today?
  • Swiss television SRF asked several Swiss celebrities about this.
  • Irina Beller, Stress and Bianca Sissing see their sins from a completely different perspective.

Envy, gluttony, greed, lust, pride, sloth and anger are the seven deadly sins of the Old Testament.

In the program "Sternstunde Religion", Swiss television SRF asked seven celebrities about their relationship to these sins.

The program starts with Irina Beller, who gives her perspective on greed. As a reminder, the society lady has published a guidebook entitled "Mr. Rich! How to marry my millionaire". As she has already said on the blue talk show "Lässer", among others, she finds "poverty boring".

Irina Beller: "Marriage is a give and take for me"

Status symbols such as cars and jewelry are very important to Irina Beller. She came to Switzerland from the Soviet Union and, after two marriages, found the man of her dreams in Walter Beller, a wealthy building contractor.

He died at the age of 71, after a 20-year relationship. Irina Beller then inherited a large part of his fortune, which according to reports amounted to around 50 million.

She tells SRF: "For me, marriage is a give and take. We women prefer to take because we mature earlier. A man makes investments in a woman - and what costs nothing is worth nothing."

Irina Beller also confirms that money makes you attractive: "It's sexy, nobody wants to count every penny."

Envy doesn't have to be bad, laziness follows hustle and bustle

Bianca Sissing, ex-Miss Switzerland and yoga teacher, talks about envy. Due to her strong desire to have children, she increasingly felt envy - so much so that she had to get support.

Her ex-husband didn't want to have children with her and she later suffered two miscarriages. She asks herself: Why is it so difficult for me to get pregnant when it happens to others without wanting to? She suffers from child envy.

Swiss television also spoke to the forest people from Bern about laziness: The hectic society is to blame for the laziness of many.

Pride is important, lust is a must

The self-proclaimed "King of Burgdorf", Jonas Lauwiner, also confirms that pride is needed to achieve his goals.

He has had his own coins minted, created a crown, held a coronation ceremony - and drives through Switzerland in a tank.

His goal? To buy land in Switzerland and expand his kingdom.

She was once a porn actress, now she trains people in sex: Maggie Tapert gives courses on sexual practices such as spanking, seduction, the best way to handle nipples - everything your heart desires.

The feminist wants to empower women by celebrating "the power between their legs". She does not see lust as a sin, the body should be enjoyed.

Anger as a drive, gluttony as a symptom

SRF editor Olivia Röllin asks Swiss rapper Stress about anger. He experienced his father's anger as a child, even as a baby.

The musician struggles with anger that needs to be kept in check. A remnant from his childhood in Estonia. Through therapy, he managed to bring his anger under control - even redirecting it into creative work. And anger does not have to be a sin.

Last but not least, there is gluttony. We know it all too well in the hot summer months at barbecues or at hearty Christmas dinners, all-you-can-eat buffets or similar feasts.

Jürgen Dollase, a rock musician and food critic, assesses how much humans - like animals - tend to "gorge". The love of food is a phenomenon of affluence. It doesn't take that much to feel full.

You can watch the entire video series from Schweizer Fernsehen SRF on the topic of sin in today's society here.

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