Problem with girlfriend? Influencer Rezo starts crying and cancels livestream

Bruno Bötschi


After influencer Rezo suddenly burst into tears during a livestream this week, his fans are worried.
After influencer Rezo suddenly burst into tears during a livestream this week, his fans are worried.
Image: Screenshot Twitch

Rezo, one of Germany's most successful influencers, leaves his fans baffled during a livestream when he breaks it off in tears. A fan wanted to know how the dog that Rezo once looked after was doing.

No time? blue News summarizes for you

  • Twitch streamer Rezo caused a stir among his followers this week when he suddenly canceled a livestream in tears and without further explanation.
  • Shortly beforehand, a fan wanted to know from the 31-year-old influencer how Clara was doing? Clara is a dog belonging to a good friend that Rezo once looked after regularly.
  • "She's still alive. Just hasn't been around for a long time," Rezo then replies in a tearful voice - only to exit the livestream minutes later.

Youtuber and Twitch streamer Rezo, who once rose to international fame with the video "The destruction of the CDU", is causing uneasy feelings among his fans this week.

What exactly happened?

The German influencer with the blue hair suddenly bursts into tears and abruptly exits his livestream a short time later.

It all started as it almost always does: together with his followers, the 31-year-old watched videos from other influencers and commented on their content.

These so-called reactions on the livestreaming video portal Twitch are currently very popular.

"Weird question, but is Clara still alive, how is she?"

Rezo was watching a video by Youtuber Sashka when a viewer sent him a message. At first, there is no reaction, until Rezo can no longer ignore the message and reads it out loud:

"Weirde (editor's note: strange) question, but is Clara still alive, how is she?"

Fans of Rezo know that Clara is the dog of one of his best friends. In the past, Clara and Rezo have been seen cuddling and playing in streams and videos.

The question about Clara the dog visibly throws influencer Rezo off balance. At first he laughs sheepishly, then he says: "She's still alive. Just hasn't been around for a long time."

Rezo: "Can we just keep watching the video?"

Seconds later, the laughter has disappeared from Rezo's face and his eyes look glazed over. The influencer can be heard saying that he needs to get something to drink - and then he is no longer in the picture.

Shortly afterwards, Rezo appears in front of the camera again. With reddened eyes, he asks the viewers: "Can you do me a favor? Can we just keep watching the video?"

His fans agree to the suggestion - but are also a little worried. Wordlessly and with a serious expression, Rezo continues to watch the video until he struggles for words and says:

"I don't think I can get in anymore ... at the moment there are things that are just a bit ... difficult right now."

Rezo can't or doesn't want to say any more at that moment. It remains unclear whether there is a problem with his girlfriend or just with his dog Clara. As a parting shot, Rezo thanks his viewers and says reassuringly: "It's cool."

He then breaks off his livestream - and has not yet contacted his fans on Twitch.

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