Wrestling king Nöldi Forrer's girlfriend "I lose at wrestling, but verbally I'm the winner"

Fabienne Kipfer


Nöldi Forrer showed his critics. The ex-wrestler got his way. The new documentary "Nöldi Forrer - A will made of titanium" tells of the highs and lows in the life of the wrestling king.

No time? blue News summarizes for you

  • The impressive career of Toggenburg wrestler Nöldi Forrer and the path to his 151 crowns are the focus of a new blue co-production.
  • The documentary shows how the wrestling king from 2001 never gave up despite numerous setbacks and injuries and ultimately achieved his great goal.
  • "Nöldi Forrer - Ein Wille aus Titan" opens in blue Cinemas on August 29.

"I lose at swinging, but verbally I'm the winner," says Seraina Mastai.

At the preview in Wattwil SG of the new documentary "Nöldi Forrer - a will made of titanium", the girlfriend talks about her love for Nöldi Forrer, the 2001 wrestling king.

She particularly appreciates Forrer' s direct manner. Her partner always says clearly what he thinks. The former wrestler's companions also have nothing but praise for the record-breaking wrestler.

From wrestler to film star

The blue co-production "Nöldi Forrer - a will made of titanium" sheds light on Nöldi Forrer's path to a magical record: the now 46-year-old former wrestler won no fewer than 151 wreaths during his career.

For the six-time Swiss champion, getting there was anything but easy. The documentary shows how the Toggenburg native repeatedly recovered from injuries, coped with setbacks and yet never gave up.

The film is about perseverance, willpower and an unshakeable belief in oneself. Qualities that characterize Nöldi Forrer not only in the sawdust, but also in life.

"Nöldi Forrer - A Will of Titan" is not only a must-see for wrestling fans, but also for anyone interested in stories about tireless commitment and personal development.

The documentary will be shown at blue Cinema from August 29.

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