Detox and resolution plans by celebrities "I can eat and exercise"

Vania Spescha


The turn of the year raises questions: Detox or good resolutions? We asked Swiss celebrities: their answers are honest, humorous and relaxed.

No time? blue News summarizes for you

  • Swiss celebrities take a relaxed view of detox trends and emphasize that such decisions should be made individually and independently of the start of the year.
  • New Year's resolutions such as strict plans or radical changes do not play a major role for most of them.
  • Ideas such as a "cell phone detox" are discussed, but the focus remains on joie de vivre and flexibility.

Detox: a good resolution or a superfluous trend?

While many consider detox cures to be the ideal start to the new year, Swiss celebrities take the topic more lightly.

"I would love to detox, but I can't," reveals Gülsha Adilji, who is taking her show on the road in January. "I like to treat myself to a glass of Prosecco on stage - that makes it difficult with a 'Dry January'."

Others think detox is overrated. "Detox? From what?" asks model Tamy Glauser with a twinkle in her eye. She sees no reason to radically change her life: "I don't smoke, hardly drink any alcohol and live a vegan lifestyle. Detox makes no difference to me."

Flexibility rather than rigid rules seems to be the key for many people. "If I want to do something for myself, I do it, whether it's in January, December or July." Detox is also seen as a personal decision - not as a social compulsion at the start of the year.

New Year's resolutions? Swiss celebrities remain relaxed

The celebrities' opinions also differ when it comes to New Year's resolutions. Rolf Fringer prefers spontaneity: "I live by my feelings for twelve months of the year. If I want to change something, I do it - regardless of the month."

Classic goals such as losing weight or doing more sport play a subordinate role for most of them.

One suggestion that still makes people smile is a "cell phone detox". "Maybe I should give it a try," says football expert Pascal Zuberbühler with a wink, "but I don't know if I can keep it up."

Conclusion: Detox and resolutions? Everything can, nothing has to

The answers from the Swiss celebrities show that the pressure to start the new year with strict plans is often superfluous. Instead, they focus on balance, spontaneity and joie de vivre - with or without a detox.