Be careful on hot days How to protect your pet from the heat


It's not just people who prefer to spend time by, in or on the water when it's hot (symbolic image)
It's not just people who prefer to spend time by, in or on the water when it's hot (symbolic image)
apa/Georg Hochmuth/Keystone 

It's getting hot again: many people in Switzerland not only have to protect themselves from the heat at the weekend, but also their pets. A biologist and animal rights activist explains what you need to watch out for.

High temperatures above 30 degrees are not only a problem for humans - the heat can also be a torture for pets.

Next weekend, the thermometer in Switzerland is set to rise to 33 degrees. This is also far too warm for most pets and can quickly become dangerous. Dogs and cats in particular, the most popular pets in Switzerland, need to cool down now.

What do pet owners need to be aware of in hot weather and when does it become dangerous? blue News spoke to Dominik del Castillo, an expert at the animal welfare organization Vier Pfoten Schweiz.

What should pet owners do in hot weather to protect their pets in the best possible way?

You must always make sure that pets can stay in a shady, cool place and always have access to drinking water. Dogs should not be taken for a walk during the hot midday and afternoon hours, but should be taken out in the cooler morning or evening hours. The hot asphalt can burn dogs' paws.

How can I ensure that my pets are sufficiently cooled down? Does a fan help, for example for animals in cages?

Animals, especially those that are in a cage and cannot escape the draught, should never be directly exposed to a fan or air conditioner. Since dogs and cats do not sweat, the effect of a fan is much smaller than in humans. Draughts can weaken the immune system and encourage colds. In addition, the dry draught damages the mucous membranes of four-legged friends.

About the person

Dominik del Castillo is a biologist and campaigner for the animal welfare organization Vier Pfoten Schweiz.

It is important that the animals are provided with sufficient water and a shady spot. Dogs can be offered a place to bathe. Cats like to rest on cool surfaces, such as cold plates. Avoid the hot time of day and let the animals out in the morning and evening.

Damp cloths can help to reduce the temperature somewhat, and some animals will even lie on them. In an emergency, you can moisten your pet's legs with a damp cloth. You should always start with the paws and slowly work your way towards the lower abdomen and neck.

What behavior do dogs and cats show when they suffer from the effects of heat?

Unlike humans, dogs and cats cannot cool their bodies by sweating. For this reason, dogs pant to regulate their body temperature. Cats sweat through their paws and regulate heat through their ears, and rarely start panting.

When dogs and cats are simply hot, the animals avoid the sun and tend to lie down in the shade. They restrict their movement and often just lie around. The animals drink more, often eat less - especially cats. Dogs like to cool down their tummies and lie down on a cold pad or dig a hole in the sand.

What does heatstroke look like in dogs and cats?

If the temperature continues to rise and the animals can no longer regulate their body temperature by panting, the first signs of heatstroke appear. In dogs, this is initially manifested by excessive and persistent panting and drooling, the neck is stretched out and the tongue hangs out wide. Acute heatstroke is characterized by rapid and shallow breathing, the dog staggers, moves in an uncoordinated manner and may vomit. In the worst case, the dog convulses and trembles and may then faint.

Although cats tolerate high temperatures better than dogs, they can also suffer from heatstroke. The symptoms also range from rapid shallow breathing and vomiting to fainting.

Which pets are the most common victims of heat?

Dogs are among the most frequent victims of heat. They are often only left in the car "briefly" to get something. Within just 30 minutes, the temperature in the car can rise to 36 degrees, even if the outside temperature is only 20 degrees. Opening the windows does not help to counteract this heat build-up.

Can dogs, cats and other pets get sunburn?

Pets are less susceptible to sunburn as they rarely lie in the sun for long periods and are additionally protected by their fur. However, they can also get sunburn, especially animals with short white fur are particularly at risk. Pets can also get sunburn on hairless areas such as the ears or nose.

Cats like to find a shady spot in hot weather.
Cats like to find a shady spot in hot weather.
Karl-Josef Hildenbrand/dpa/dpa-tmn

How can I encourage lazy pets to drink more water?

Several water bowls can help to encourage lazy pets to drink. Animals have individual preferences here too. Some animals prefer running tap water, others love stagnant water.

To increase the fluid balance, dry food can be soaked or wet food, which already contains liquid, can be fed.

The most important tips at a glance

  • Postpone walks until cooler hours
  • Do not leave animals in the car
  • Monitor and encourage fluid intake
  • Provide species-appropriate sun protection
  • Provide cooling mats, paddling pools, bath houses and the like to cool them down
  • Monitor the animals' behavior for heatstroke symptoms
  • Avoid draughts