Marco Fritsche on "Bauer, single, sucht" "How much do they smoke pot?"

Fabienne Kipfer


Marco Fritsche hosts the hit format "Bauer, ledig, sucht". In the show "On the Rocks", the man from Appenzell reveals why he suddenly sees himself as the farmers' uncle and what annoys him about the show.

No time? blue News summarizes for you

  • Marco Fritsche has hosted "Bauer, ledig, sucht" on 3+ since 2008.
  • The 20th season of the successful format is currently airing on free TV.
  • In the talk show, the 48-year-old explains why he sometimes needs to distance himself from the participants and is now more of an "Uncle Marco".
  • "Just shut the fuck up" should be written on his tombstone, says Fritsche with a laugh.

"I've never done a job for so long," says Marco Fritsche in the show "On the Rocks". The 48-year-old has been presenting the show for 16 years now. Fritsche jokes that he doesn't know whether this is a good or bad sign.

The 20th season of "Bauer, ledig, sucht" is currently airing on 3+. Together with presenter Christa Rigozzi, the farmer from Appenzell matches up farmers and farmers' wives.

In the talk show, Marco Fritsche explains that he sometimes needs a little distance from the participants. For example, he once said to a farmer's wife: "Alexandra, 'häb's Loch' or get away from me. I need five minutes of peace and quiet now." She looked at him in shock and he replied that his uncle could sometimes be angry.

However, the dynamic in the show has changed over the years. He also noticed that he had grown older. In the beginning, he was one of the younger ones and today he is Uncle Marco, who sets up 19-year-olds.

He jokes with presenter Vania Spescha that he occasionally asks himself: "How much do they get stoned?" when he watches the final cuts.

You can find the full interview with Marco Fritsche here - or on blue Zoom: