"Like to be a target" Harry and Meghan reveal their secrets in a rare interview

Sven Ziegler


In an honest interview with CBS, Harry and Meghan talk about their own experiences and their new heart project. No revelations - a sign of peace towards King Charles.

No time? blue News summarizes for you

  • Harry and Meghan have given another lengthy TV interview after their interview with talk show star Oprah Winfrey in March 2021.
  • In the interview, they talk about their new passion project. Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan have launched a new support network for parents whose children have killed themselves after online abuse.
  • Speaking on "Sunday Morning", Duchess Meghan emphasized that she was talking about her own coping with suicidal thoughts in order to save other lives.
  • During the interview with Oprah Winfrey, Duchess Meghan revealed that a royal member had made racist remarks. This time there were no new revelations. A sign of peace towards King Charles and Co.

Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan rarely give TV interviews. The last major interview took place in March 2021 with star entertainer Oprah Winfrey on US television.

Duchess Meghan dropped a bombshell: She revealed that a member of the royal family had made racist remarks.

These piquant statements caused an earthquake at Buckingham Palace.

Royal fans around the world were therefore eagerly awaiting the new interview with Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan on "Sunday Morning".

But this time the two exiled royals didn't chat about family matters, they focused on their new heartfelt project, a new support network for parents whose children have killed themselves after online abuse.

Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan have spoken publicly about mental health in the past, revealing they have also suffered from mental health issues themselves. Meghan in particular went through a difficult time at the royal palace and had suicidal thoughts.

Profound topics - an emotional TV conversation

In the TV interview, the Sussexes show their more serious side, are approachable and emotional. They talk to the CBS team about their new project "The Parents Network" - the online help tool for parents in the fight against cyberbullying.

Prince Harry says: "We've reached a point where almost every parent has to be a first responder. And even the best first responders in the world are not able to recognize the signs of a potential suicide. That's the scary thing."

Harry doubles down: "It really can happen to anyone. Kids can be on their cell phones in the next room and take their own lives a short time later."

CBS host Jane Pauley also speaks out about the Duchess's suicidal statements: "You suffered and thought about killing yourself."

A very intense moment of conversation for the Sussexes, the Duchess tenderly strokes Prince Harry's hand and explains to Pauley: "If you've suffered a certain level of pain and trauma, it helps to talk about it openly."

Meghan continued: "I truly believe that I would never want anyone else to feel the way I did. If it helps someone else that I'm speaking out about what I've overcome, then it's worth it. I'm happy to be a target for that."

Duchess Meghan finds honest words that touch the heart

The entire TV conversation revolves around the royal couple's heartfelt projects. No new revelations, no juicy new details about King Charles and co.

Another sign of peace from Harry and Meghan towards the royal palace.

Insiders have reported in the past that the Sussexes want to get closer to King Charles, Camilla, William and Kate. This serious interview is a first and important step in the right direction.

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