Documentary "I Am: Céline Dion" Harrowing images show the singer's seizure

Fabian Tschamper


Céline Dion struggles with stiff person syndrome and even suffers a seizure during the filming of her documentary "I Am: Céline Dion", suffering a seizure. The images are not for the faint-hearted - but show the seriousness of her situation.

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  • The documentary "I Am: Céline Dion" shows the singer's battle with Stiff Person Syndrome (SPS) and includes shocking footage of a seizure.
  • Céline Dion talks openly about the challenges of the disease, its impact on her career and her attempts to regain her health.
  • The rare autoimmune disease SPS, which is associated with muscle stiffness and uncontrollable twitching, affects around one person in a million and is currently incurable.

The Canadian singer has filmed her battle with the SPS diagnosis together with Amazon Studios. In the documentary "I Am: Céline Dion", she not only talks about stiff person syndrome, the film also shocks with images of a seizure suffered by the icon.

The footage shows Dion crying during one such seizure - which lasts ten minutes. She is calmed down by medical staff and given nasal spray or cortisone.

The 56-year-old Céline Dion was diagnosed with the painful disease in 2022, since when she has largely stayed out of the limelight and tried to regain control of her health. The autoimmune disease, which is based on a neurological disorder, comes with stiffness in the muscles and uncontrollable twitching of the body. During such episodes, the singer can no longer move and needs immediate care.

"I had to lie to people"

SPS affects around one person in a million. Not much is known about the disease, which generally affects twice as many women as men. No cure for the syndrome has yet been found.

In the documentary, Dion tearfully confesses that she felt like a fraud when she had to cancel gigs at short notice because SPS got in the way: "I had to lie to people when I canceled concerts. I can't do that anymore." She explains that she held the microphone towards the audience on stage so that she didn't have to sing because she couldn't at that moment.

Anything to avoid attracting attention. Michael J. Fox did something similar when he wanted to keep his Parkinson's disease a secret.

As mentioned, Dion suffers a seizure in front of the cameras - she is immediately attended to by medical staff. When she sits up, she says she is embarrassed to have collapsed during filming.

"The last few years have been an incredible challenge for me. The whole journey from the diagnosis to the treatments, learning about the disease - and ultimately not letting it define me," she explains.

During her time out on stage, she wanted to document this part of her life and the result is really something to be proud of. Despite the stroke of fate, Céline Dion shows her strength.

"I Am: Céline Dion" is currently streaming on Amazon Prime.

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