Last words How famous people said goodbye in such a trivial way

Fabian Tschamper


Some last words still resonate, but often they are simply wishful thinking. According to historical reports, some personalities have nevertheless bid a fitting farewell to life.

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  • The last words of famous people are often difficult to verify, but the public expects inspiring statements until death.
  • Richard Lugner was still raving about his favorite television program shortly before his death, as his wife Simone reported.
  • Famous last words often remain symbolic and inspirational, even if their authenticity is uncertain.

The further back you go in human history, the harder it is to test last words for accuracy. The public probably hopes that some celebrities will continue to make well-founded statements until their final breath.

Like Richard Lugner, for example, who was still raving about his favorite television program shortly before his death. This was reported by his wife Simone.

In some cases, several sources even confirm that the writer Oscar Wilde, for example, was upset about the wallpaper and gave her an ultimatum, so to speak. But we can't really be sure - pragmatically speaking. The last words are more than just a historical record, they are meant to be inspirational.

Like Robin Williams' last words, which he spoke shortly before his death in his last film scene: "Smile, my boy, the sun is rising" ("Night at the Museum 3").

Last words should always be taken with a grain of salt, but whether true or not, some quotes remain for eternity.

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