Check out 5 sunbathing myths Even a nice tan is bad for your skin, right?

Stéphanie Süess


You think you won't tan in the shade? Or you still need the old tube from last year to sunbathe? We clear up the five biggest myths about sunburn.

No time? blue News summarizes for you

  • There are various myths circulating about sunburn - we clarify the most important ones in our short explainer.
  • Is a tan really healthy and do you get a tan despite the sun protection factor?
  • What conditions have to be met for me to still be able to use last year's sun cream?
  • Sunbathing doesn't tend to be bad - it's good for our psyche, but definitely not for our skin.

Everyone knows it, the sun is shining and you want to get a little tan - a nice summer complexion. But is a tan even healthy? No, there is no such thing as a healthy tan. The fact that the skin turns brown is purely a protective mechanism of the skin - and not even an effective one. The body's own tan has a maximum sun protection factor of four to six.

It is therefore always recommended to look for a shady spot. However, UV rays can also penetrate in the shade, although it is better to be under a parasol in the shade than in the blazing sun.

Is last year's tube still good?

This myth is debatable. Sun cream can usually be kept for at least 12 months. However, if the smell and consistency have not changed and the sun cream has not been exposed to extreme heat several times, we may be able to continue using it - but usually not.

Apply cream more often to prolong protection

Depending on the skin type, the skin's own protection lasts around ten to thirty minutes. Sun cream can extend the protection time once. So if you apply sunscreen twice, the sun protection factor is not doubled. It merely maintains it.

Anyone who now thinks that a lot does not help a lot is mistaken. Most people only use a quarter to half the amount of sun cream that is actually required. Guidelines recommend two milligrams per square centimeter of skin surface. Depending on body size, that's 30 to 40 milliliters for the entire body. That's almost half a bottle.

The sun can have a positive effect on our body

Thanks to the sun, our body releases happiness hormones and we have more energy. Sun is important for producing vitamin D. However, it is important to enjoy it in moderation and not to sunbathe excessively.

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