"Cantonalism is outdated" Emil Steinberger is ashamed of the Swiss naturalization test

Bruno Bötschi


"Cantonal borders should be ignored more in certain areas": Emil Steinberger.
"Cantonal borders should be ignored more in certain areas": Emil Steinberger.
Picture: Keystone

Emil Steinberger has often made the Swiss laugh. However, some local peculiarities cause the cabaret artist problems. He finds naturalization issues nasty and the cantonal spirit outdated.

No time? blue News summarizes for you

  • Even at 91,Emil Steinberger is still a figurehead of Swiss humor.
  • In an interview with "Blick", the cabaret artist talks about his family, the Swiss naturalization test and the cantonal spirit.
  • "I always catch myself being touched when I see a Swiss flag abroad," says Steinberger.

At a screening of the film "Schweizermacher" in New York, Emil Steinberger was "utterly ashamed" of the Swiss naturalization process, despite the laughter of the other guests.

The cabaret artist told Blick in an interview: "I had just read in a Swiss newspaper a few days earlier that the naturalization process is to be tightened up in certain municipalities."

Steinberger went on to say that a German couple had recently confirmed this to him.

"It's really adventurous when you stand in front of an official who wants to know what the butcher's surname is. And if you can't answer the question, you're immediately deemed to be insufficiently integrated."

Emil thinks the naturalization process is "not right"

The film "Schweizermacher", which was released in 1978 and in which Steinberger and Walo Lüönd play the leading roles, is still relevant, says the 91-year-old, who is being honored this year by the Zurich Film Festival (ZFF) for his life's work.

Cabaret artist Emil Steinberger and his wife Niccel have been married for more than 25 years.
Cabaret artist Emil Steinberger and his wife Niccel have been married for more than 25 years.
Picture: Keystone

How can it be, Steinberger wonders in "Blick", that a Swiss municipality refuses citizenship and the same person is naturalized a few hundred metres away in another canton?

"That alone is not right in my view. This then spreads to the school or police system."

Emil Steinberger: "Cantonalism is no longer appropriate"

Federalism is all well and good, says the cabaret artist, "but at a time when we have to make sure that all municipalities can make ends meet financially, this cantonalism is no longer appropriate everywhere".

He continues: "In certain areas, we should ignore cantonal borders more."

During his career as a comedian to date, Steinberger has regularly dealt with Switzerland and its peculiarities. He has also repeatedly reduced his home country and its "Mödeli" to absurdity.

Emil Steinberger often finds Swiss politics a little complicated. At the same time, however, he is also proud of the issues on which voters are allowed to have their say.

Despite all the criticism, the cabaret artist is also proud of his home country. "I always find that when I see a Swiss flag abroad, it touches me directly. It's a symbol that makes me happy," Steinberger told Blick.

For Emil's parents, his appearances were "stupidities"

With regard to the new film "Typisch Emil" by Phil Meyer, which will celebrate its world premiere at the ZFF, the 91-year-old says that his family used to ignore his art.

For his parents, his performances were "stupid things". He often had to cry as a young man, but holds no grudges today, says the 91-year-old, who has been going through life together with his wife Niccel for over a quarter of a century.

"My family never watched anything I did either - unless I maybe forced them to come to the circus once. It's a hard life - you go to work, come home, go on stage, come back - and nobody cares."

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