Family planning Dominique Rinderknecht: "But yes, I certainly want children"

Bruno Bötschi


Dominique Rinderknecht wants to get married and have children. However, the former Miss Switzerland is in no hurry with her plans for the future, as she has now revealed. "I love being engaged," says the 35-year-old.

No time? blue News summarizes for you

  • Dominique Rinderknecht talks about her private and professional plans for the future in "20 Minuten".
  • "Yes, I definitely want children, that's for sure," says the former Miss Switzerland and jewelry designer.
  • The 35-year-old, who has lived in South Africa for four years, also wants to expand her clothing and jewelry label.

"I find it exciting not knowing what will happen in five years' time."

Ex-Miss Switzerland and jewelry designer Dominique Rinderknecht talks to "20 Minuten" about her plans for the future - and for once, not just her professional plans, but also her personal ones.

The 35-year-old normally keeps information about her partner under wraps. However, she is very open with "20 Minuten": "Of course I want to get married, but we're not stressing about it. I love being engaged."

Dominique Rinderknecht: "We're taking it easy"

Dominique Rinderknecht, who was voted the most beautiful Swiss woman in 2013, emigrated to Cape Town in South Africa four years ago. In her adopted home, she has not only found happiness in her professional life, but also in her private life.

However, there is no date for the wedding yet: "We are taking it easy. Building a life in a new country involves a lot of organization, takes time and is not entirely straightforward," says Rinderknecht.

When asked where she sees herself in five years' time, whether in Switzerland or South Africa, Dominique Rinderknecht replies: "It's relatively open, as my partner is a pilot and has to be flexible."

But one thing is clear for the 35-year-old: "Yes, I definitely want children, that's for sure." Rinderknecht also wants to expand her sustainable clothing and jewelry label in the near future.

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