Unusually reserved Why Christina and Luca Hänni won't reveal their daughter's name

Bruno Bötschi


Luca and Christina Hänni became parents to a daughter two weeks ago.
Luca and Christina Hänni became parents to a daughter two weeks ago.
Picture: IMAGO/Bildagentur Monn

Since Christina and Luca Hänni became parents for the first time two weeks ago, they have been constantly asked what their daughter's name is. Now the celebrity couple explain why they are reluctant to reveal the name.

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  • Christina and Luca Hänni became parents to a daughter two weeks ago.
  • In the podcast "Don't worry be Hänni", the couple now answer the frequently asked question about the child's name.
  • "I couldn't quite understand why people feel they are entitled to certain things about the child or the name," says Christina Hänni.

Christina and Luca Hänni became parents to a girl two weeks ago. "Our family band has a new bandleader," the couple wrote on Instagram afterwards.

Since then, hardly a day goes by without either the professional dancer or the singer posting news about their family life on their Instagram account.

Christina Hänni had planned to "enjoy this very special time to the full and get completely involved in everything".

Oh, the fans just have so many questions for the Hännis.

The couple have left out one detail so far

The Hännis don't just talk about their baby on social media, they also regularly give an insight into their family life in their podcast "Don't worry be Hänni".

However, the couple have so far left out one detail: their daughter's name.

This question has been "the most frequently asked" since they announced the birth. "A lot of people have noticed that we haven't published the name," says Christina Hänni in the latest podcast episode.

She continues: "I couldn't quite understand why people felt they were entitled to certain things about the child or the name. Because: the two of us are public figures and it's about us. Now there's a third person - and this third person is a person in their own right. She is not the two of us."

When she and her husband share information on social media, it doesn't mean that their daughter wants to do the same. "She will grow up and she will have an opinion. When she's ready, she'll be able to defend them."

"We're keeping the name to ourselves for now"

Christina Hänni's top priority is to protect her child and her right to privacy. Referring to an Instagram video she posted recently, the 34-year-old explains:

"A lot of people say showing something like feet or hands is intimate. I don't feel that way. You can't recognize people by their feet or hands, but you can by their name."

When it comes to the name, Luca Hänni agrees with his wife: "I think it's good too. We'll keep the name to ourselves for now."

Christina Hänni also emphasizes that she doesn't want anyone to have the idea of searching the internet to find out where her daughter was born or which kindergarten or school she will go to.

"I have the feeling that people can definitely do more with the name than with other things. That's why I'm hoping for understanding out there," says Christina Hänni.

Luca Hänni: "I was so numb"

Later, in the latest episode of their podcast, the Hännis do give some hints as to what their daughter might be called.

"It's a great name, oh, it's a nice name - a bit cheeky", says Luca Hänni with a laugh. Christina Hänni was also pleased with her choice: "It's such a beautiful name."

The neo-parents also let their fans know that they are finding their way around their new life better and better. "It's getting cooler and more relaxed from day to day," says Christina Hänni. "Everything is slowly settling down. I have the feeling that I'm coping well with sleeping separately."

Meanwhile, Luca Hänni reveals that he first had to find himself in the days following the birth of his daughter. "I was so numb."

He continues: "I had more emotions during the birth than ever before in my life. I cried, I thought it was beautiful, I thought it was crazy, I thought it was magical - all together."

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