Lo & Leduc about their Gurten performance today "When everyone is stressed out, we have to calm down"

Manuel Kellerhals


Headlining the main stage - and in front of their home crowd to boot. The two dialect rappers reveal in an interview how the Bernese duo Lo & Leduc deal with the pressure of their Gurtenfestival performance today (live on bluenews.ch from 9 pm).

No time? blue News summarizes for you

  • The Gurtenfestival is taking place for the 40th time on Bern's local mountain from July 12 to 16.
  • Lo & Leduc are performing on the main stage today and can be seen in the livestream on bluenews.ch from 9 pm.
  • In the video interview, they talk about how they deal with the pressure ahead of their home show.

They are among the big stars of the Swiss music scene. Nevertheless, a headlining gig at the Gurtenfestival is not an everyday concert, even for Lo & Leduc.

"We're certainly nervous, that's part of it," says Luc "Leduc" Oggier. Ultimately, however, it's about bundling this nervousness and turning it into positive energy for the performance.

For his stage partner Loren "Lo" Häberli, the time before this year's Gurten performance is also a special situation: "I wake up from time to time and have to make sure that everything is okay with my voice."

"Have to get into the tunnel"

Immediately before the gig, which will be streamed live on bluenews.ch from 9 p.m. tonight, the band's surroundings become increasingly hectic. "Things have to happen quickly before the gig, so people on and behind the stage are always very hectic. And just when everyone is under stress, we have to calm down," says Oggier.

Messages or phone calls are no longer an issue for either of them at this time. Häberli says that the only contact he has is with his girlfriend shortly before the concert. "But then we have to get into the tunnel at some point and get in the mood for our performance."

The two dialect rappers also feel a particular pressure because they used to be fans themselves in the audience at the Gurten. In an interview with presenter Daniel Fanslau in the blue Music studio on the Gurten, they tell us all about their experiences - especially on the descent on foot down to the city of Bern.

Current live program from the Gurten on blue Zoom

  • July 13, 2023: Zian - 00.05 hrs
  • July 15, 2023: Lola Marsh - 18.35 hrs
  • July 15, 2023: Veronica Fusaro - 7.40 p.m.
  • July 15, 2023: Lo & Leduc - 9 p.m.
  • July 16, 2023: Andryy - 5.50 pm
  • July 16, 2023: Steiner & Madlaina - 7.10 pm
  • July 16, 2023: Nativ - 9.50 pm

This list is updated and adapted on an ongoing basis. Changes at short notice are possible.

All further information about the Gurtenfestival can be found here.

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