Florian Silbereisen on Beatrice Egli "We actually have a little bed story"

Bruno Bötschi


Florian Silbereisen and Beatrice Egli sing a song together in a bed. Both like to flirt with relationship rumors.
Florian Silbereisen and Beatrice Egli sing a song together in a bed. Both like to flirt with relationship rumors.
Image: dpa

It's well known: Beatrice Egli and Florian Silbereisen like to flirt with relationship rumors. During the ARD show "Schlagerchampions 2024", the two even get into bed together to perform a song.

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  • Beatrice Egli and Florian Silbereisen sing their song "Das wissen nur wir" together once again.
  • To perform the song on the ARD show "Schlagerchampions 2024", the duo even got into bed together this time.
  • Florian Silbereisen to Beatrice Egli: "Then we actually have a little bed story for once."

What's going on?

That's probably what many a pop fan asked themselves last Saturday evening as they watched the ARD show "Schlagerchampions 2024".

Shortly after half past nine, presenter Florian Silbereisen announced his star guest: Helene Fischer then performs her song "Spiele" live in a belly-free glitter top and is celebrated frenetically by the 10,000 fans in the Berlin Velodrom.

Florian Silbereisen hugs his ex-girlfriend Helene Fischer to welcome her to the ARD show "Schlagerchampions 2024".
Florian Silbereisen hugs his ex-girlfriend Helene Fischer to welcome her to the ARD show "Schlagerchampions 2024".
Picture: Screenshot ARD

The greeting scene makes the hearts of many viewers beat a little faster: the ex-couple hug each other tightly. "It's nice to be with you again," Fischer says to Silbereisen with a smile.

Egli and Silbereisen play with love rumors

Florian Silbereisen's joint performance with Beatrice Egli causes even more whispering and chatter in the hall. Together, the duo performed the song "Das wissen nur wir". It has been known for some time: Both like to flirt with relationship rumors.

But let's start at the beginning: After Egli first sings a song alone, she runs into Silbereisen's arms. The two then stand next to each other on stage holding hands.

At some point, the presenter asks the singer if she fancies a pillow fight, before jokingly adding: "Then we'll actually have a little bedtime story for once."

Excuse me? No sooner said than the two are already lying together in a bed, which is used as a backdrop on stage.

Egli to Silbereisen: "Are you serious, without breakfast?"

"You want it with me too. It seems so familiar with me," says Beatrice Egli and Florian Silbereisen in the song "Das wissen nur wir".

And further: "You feel the same way I do. I hear them talk, let them talk. They get upset with me. As if it wasn't allowed with you. I'll put up with it with you."

It almost sounds as if the two are reacting to the love rumors of the past few months.

After the singing interlude with the pillow fight, Florian Silbereisen says goodbye to his duet partner because he has to continue hosting "Schlagerchampions 2024".

Meanwhile, Beatrice Egli looks at him indignantly and says: "Are you serious, without breakfast?" She then adds with a smile: "Now everyone finally knows what we're like."

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