Moon&Stars in the ticker The calm before the German pop storm in Locarno

Dominik Müller


The Moon&Stars Festival takes place in Locarno from July 11 to 21.
The Moon&Stars Festival takes place in Locarno from July 11 to 21.
Roman Gaigg

International and local music greats combined with Mediterranean Ticino charm: this mix makes Moon&Stars in Locarno unique. Read the developments about the festival in the ticker.

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  • 4.25 pm

    Calm before the German pop storm

    The Piazza Grande is still practically empty. In just under two hours, this picture will change drastically. That's when pop musician Joris will kick off the German pop concert evening.

    A few onlookers watch the preparations on stage.
    A few onlookers watch the preparations on stage.
    blue Music
  • 2.51 pm

    Locarno offers far more than "just" live music

    The program for the little ones starts at 4 p.m. on the Bambini Stage with a performance by Andrew Bond, and two hours later Daniel Kemish opens the concert evening for the grown-ups on the Piazza Piccola.

    Until then, visitors still have time to enjoy the beautiful Ticino. Those who have already explored the numerous stores in Locarno or want to escape the crowds for a moment will find a retreat with a view above Locarno thanks to the Orselina-Cardada-Cimetta cable car and chairlift.

    If you go up high, you get a great view over Lake Maggiore in return.
    If you go up high, you get a great view over Lake Maggiore in return.

    The special feature: At the very top, you can see both the lowest point (Lake Maggiore) and the highest point (Dufourspitze in the Monte Rosa massif) in Switzerland.

  • Sunday, July 14, 12.47 p.m.

    The German pop concert evening is coming up

    The memories of last night's magical evening are not yet fully digested, and yet the next highlights are already on the agenda today - and plenty of German vocal power. The weather is also showing its sunny side today.

    Joris, an up-and-coming talent, kicks things off with his authentic lyrics and haunting melodies. His show starts at 6.15 pm.

    Michael Patrick Kelly doesn't need to be introduced to anyone, and not just because of his family background. The Irish-American singer has also become an integral part of the German pop scene as a solo artist. In his powerful and soulful songs, Kelly tells encouraging stories from all over the world, inspired by true events.

    And when Wincent Weiss takes to the stage at 9.20 pm, it's not just the hearts of female fans that will beat faster. The charming singer-songwriter has already released several platinum albums, won the prestigious "ECHO" award and is known for his captivating live performances. And according to well-informed sources, a surprise awaits the audience in the middle of the set...

  • 11.28 pm

    We end the live ticker for today

    Even though the last ticker entry talked about "ending the night", it's far from lights out in Locarno. The partygoers gather in front of one of several DJ booths and dance into the early hours of the morning.

    ...and hopefully recover until tomorrow, because the party continues seamlessly with captivating live music when Joris, Michael Patrick Kelly and Wincent Weiss take over. But that's it for the ticker today.

  • 23:19

    Patent Ochsner end a magical night with fireworks

    What an evening! Patent Ochsner enchant the audience with their songs. When thousands of voices join together to sing hits such as "Scharlachrot", "Gummiboum" or "W. Nuss vo Bümpliz", nobody is left cold.

    "Häbet nech Sorg, watch yourselves uuf u löt nech nüt la gfaue. Never! Never! Never!" Just as Büne Huber speaks his famous closing words, fireworks light up the sky above the main stage. It is the perfect end to a magical night.

    Grande Finale on the Grande Piazza: fireworks at the end.
    Grande Finale on the Grande Piazza: fireworks at the end.
    blue Music
  • 21:53

    Numerous fans listen in the side alleys

    The Piazza Grande is packed. But many people are also listening to the music outside the festival grounds: fans without tickets are sitting in all the side streets and are grateful that the speakers on the main stage are so loud.

    And even in the area itself, some people have to put up with at least a small reduction in visibility if they have positioned themselves behind the VIP grandstand. After all, a large screen shows what is happening at the front of the stage. And the focus is on the ear and not the eye anyway.

    The screen shows what the eye would otherwise not be able to see.
    The screen shows what the eye would otherwise not be able to see.
    blue Music
  • 21:37

    Impressions of the Patent Ochsner concert

  • 21.10 hrs

    Büne Huber sings - and the audience sings along

    "The world is colorful, beautiful and big", sings frontman Büne Huber. The line is emblematic of the scene on the Piazza Grande: cheerful people in colorful clothes sing Swiss hits together. Patent Ochsner are here!

    The concert by Patent Ochsner and frontman Büne Huber has begun.
    The concert by Patent Ochsner and frontman Büne Huber has begun.
    blue Music

    At times, the audience even sounds like a church choir, it is so confident in its lyrics. And all in a perfect summer evening atmosphere. The stage is truly set for a magical night.

    By the way: If you can't be there today on the Piazza Grande or next Friday on the Güsche when Patent Ochsner perform their classics, you should know that the Patent Ochsner concert on July 19 at the Gurtenfestival will be broadcast live simultaneously at seven blue Cinema locations throughout German-speaking Switzerland. Find out more in the video.

  • 8.20 pm

    Either everyone has the same sense of fashion...

    ...or giveaways were distributed on the site.

    Who can guess which fashion accessory was distributed on the festival site?
    Who can guess which fashion accessory was distributed on the festival site?
    Roman Gaigg
  • 7.53 pm

    Kings Elliot opens the evening on the Piazza Grande

    With her blue hair, the Schwyz singer Kings Elliot not only looks like Billie Eilish, her emotional and melancholy songs are also similar to those of the American pop star.

    Her blue hair is her trademark: Kings Elliot.
    Her blue hair is her trademark: Kings Elliot.
    Roman Gaigg

    The audience on the Piazza Grande welcomes the 29-year-old with a warm round of applause. With her profound lyrics, Kings Elliot invites you to dream.

  • 6.40 pm

    Impressions from Locarno

  • 17.47 hrs

    Musical hands for eternity

    On July 20, Hecht plays the last concert on the Piazza Grande (there are still shows on the Piazza Piccola the following day). After 2018 and 2022, this will be the third time that the Lucerne-based tunesmiths have performed in Locarno.

    It's only logical that Hecht is represented on the Walk of Fame. The bronze handprints of great musicians who have visited Locarno during Moon&Stars will be exhibited around the Rusca Gardens - just a stone's throw from the Piazza Grande. These include international stars such as Anastacia - and Hecht.

    The band members of Hecht have immortalized themselves with a handprint in Locarno.
    The band members of Hecht have immortalized themselves with a handprint in Locarno.
    blue Music
  • 4.47 pm

    "Trybguet" in Lagio Maggiore

    Ticino has been hit by storms several times in recent weeks. In the Maggia Valley in particular, major damage was caused and several people lost their lives.

    The memories of the deadly storms are still fresh. And a glance at Lake Maggiore also illustrates the extent of the storms: a huge flood of wood, carcasses and mud was washed into the lake by the Maggia.

    A lot of alluvial wood is currently floating in Lake Maggiore.
    A lot of alluvial wood is currently floating in Lake Maggiore.
    blue Music

    On Tuesday, the Ticino crisis management team lifted the ban on swimming in the Maggia and Lake Maggiore with immediate effect. A microbiological test of the water had produced good results.

    Nevertheless, the emergency team still recommends bathing only in clear water and avoiding murky areas with large amounts of floating debris.

    And to turn the page from this tragic topic back to the joyful current situation: if Patent Ochsner were to perform their hit "Trybguet" tonight, it would probably have a whole new meaning given the circumstances.

  • 3.06 pm

    The Patent Ochsner sound check is underway

    Anyone strolling through the streets of Locarno at the moment will mostly hear conversations in Swiss German. So it's reasonable to assume that the performance by Büne Huber and his bandmates from Patent Ochsner have prompted many people to cross the Gotthard.

    Patent Ochsner at the soundcheck.
    Patent Ochsner at the soundcheck.
    blue Music

    Fans will have to be patient, however, as the concert is scheduled for 9 pm. However, the sound check is already underway - so that everything will sound great in the evening when, in keeping with the festival name, "Dr Mond isch es wysses runds Loch".

    The anticipation among the guests on the fence is definitely palpable and audible: every note is met with applause.

  • Saturday, July 13, 12 noon

    New day, new highlights - and the best summer weather

    Buongiorno from Ticino. Life has long since awoken in Locarno. People are strolling through the alleyways, trying out the wide range of cafés and enjoying the sun. The latter in particular is likely to bring relief to many visitors: After yesterday's thunderstorm warnings, today is the best of summer weather - including a few shady clouds in the sky.

    And many guests will also be looking forward to today's program. Patent Ochsner, the Swiss cult band par excellence, will be on stage tonight. Before that, the melancholy songs of Kings Elliot will get under your skin. And thanks to Daniel Kemish, Eileen Alister and Invivas, the Piazza Piccola also offers a varied program.

    The best summer weather in Locarno.
    The best summer weather in Locarno.
    blue Music

    Everything is set for an eventful day full of musical highlights.

  • 23:27

    We end the live ticker for today

    That concludes the live ticker for today. The next highlights await tomorrow - including a concert by Bernese cult band Patent Ochsner. blue Music will be reporting on the action on site again tomorrow. Stay tuned, and see you tomorrow.

  • 11.20 pm

    Status Quo shake up the Piazza Grande

    With their hits such as "In the Army Now", "Whatever You Want" and "Rockin' All Over the World", the men from Status Quo enchanted the audience in Locarno - and got everyone up on their feet dancing. What an evening in Ticino! Even the rain, which came back towards the end of the concert, couldn't dampen the great atmosphere.

  • 10.19 pm

    Impressions from the Status Quo concert

  • 21.45 hrs

    Now it's Status Quo's turn

    The noise is deafening as the men from Status Quo take to the stage. They return the favor and really get going. The danceable rhythms and catchy guitar riffs literally entice you to dance, jump and clap along.

  • 21.35 hrs

    Interview with Chris von Rohr

    Shortly before bassist Chris von Rohr had to go to the Krokus sound check, he stopped by the blue Music studio. You can see what he had to say in the video here. Just this much can be said: As usual, he didn't mince his words.

    Krokus bassist Chris von Rohr in the blue Music studio.
    Krokus bassist Chris von Rohr in the blue Music studio.
    Roman Gaigg
  • 21.25 hrs

    That's it from Krokus - Status Quo are coming soon

    With the last drumbeat, it rains confetti on the Piazza Grande. That's it for Krokus. The old masters have proven that despite their advanced age, they can still put the pedal to the metal.

    The audience now has time to catch its breath - but not for long: the next rock legends will be on stage in just 20 minutes. When Status Quo plug in their guitars, it will probably be at least as loud as the opening act.

  • 8.39 pm

    Impressions from the Krokus concert

  • 8.18 pm

    Krokus heat up the audience from the very first note

    From the very first second, it's clear what it's all about on the Piazza Grande today: world-class Swiss hard rock. Krokus put the pedal to the metal and shook the walls of the buildings adjacent to the Piazza with their uncompromising sound. The audience thanked them with clapping and dancing. And Peter is also impressed: the rain takes another break.

    Krokus go full throttle right from the start.
    Krokus go full throttle right from the start.
    blue Music
  • 7.34 pm

    The Piazza Grande fills up - it's raining again

    The break in the rain was only short-lived. However, the amount of rainfall is currently manageable and shouldn't affect an atmospheric concert evening. Meanwhile, the Piazza Grande is filling up more and more. In around half an hour, rock veterans Krokus take to the stage.

    In order to protect themselves from the rain, many of the audience members use a colorful pellicle.
    In order to protect themselves from the rain, many of the audience members use a colorful pellicle.
    blue Music
  • 7.24 pm

    First come, first served

    As soon as admission to the Piazza Grande has begun, visitors run to the stage - see the video.

  • 18.52 hrs

    The gates open in a few minutes

    The rain has stopped for the moment. However, the dry phase is likely to be short-lived. Meanwhile, more and more visitors gather in front of the entrance to the Piazza Grande and wait for the doors to open - in a few minutes, at 7 pm, the time has come.

    Visitors wait outside the entrance until they are allowed onto the Piazza Grande.
    Visitors wait outside the entrance until they are allowed onto the Piazza Grande.
    blue Music
  • 5.59 pm

    ...and the first raindrops start to fall

    Thunder and lightning have already announced what has now arrived: It's raining in Locarno. According to the weather forecast, the weather situation is unlikely to change in the next few hours. Meanwhile, the visitors on the Piazza Grande are looking for shelter. There is still some time before the first concert at 8pm.

  • 5.37 pm

    It's getting darker and darker over Locarno...

    Something is brewing: The sun has now had to give way completely to thick cloud cover. And it's getting darker and darker. It's a good idea to bring your rain jacket to the concert. Or does that contradict a real rock concert experience? We'll see what outfits the visitors turn up in on the Piazza Grande.

    Dark clouds herald rain. But it's still dry in Locarno.
    Dark clouds herald rain. But it's still dry in Locarno.
    blue Music
  • 5.06 pm

    Impressions from Locarno

    In just under three hours, the rock musicians from Krokus take to the stage on the Piazza Grande. You can find some impressions from Locarno in the picture gallery.

  • 4.14 pm

    Calm before the storm - the sound check is underway

    The Piazza Grande is still empty and the area in front of the stage is cordoned off. But the sound check that is currently underway gives an idea of what is to come tonight: booming bass, powerful drums and lots of distinctive guitar riffs.

    The technicians and musicians on stage are currently busy with the sound check.
    The technicians and musicians on stage are currently busy with the sound check.
    blue Music

    And: the summer weather is still holding out. According to the SRF Meteo rain radar, however, the evening looks set to be pretty wet. But as we all know, appearances can be deceptive.

  • 2.12 pm

    These Moon&Stars concerts bring blue Music to your home

    There's good news for all fans of live music who can't make it to Ticino this year: blue Music is bringing selected concerts directly to your screen. The current program for Moon&Stars is as follows:

    Tomorrow, Saturday, July 13, 9.30 pm, you can listen to the melancholy songs of Kings Elliot. On July 15, 9.30 pm, two-time Grammy winner Corinne Bailey Rae will bring a captivating mix of jazz, pop and R&B to the stage. And all lovers of pop ballads are recommended to attend Calum Scott's concert on July 17 at 8.30 pm.

    The concerts will be shown on free TV on blue Zoom or streamed on blue News and on the blue News app.

  • Friday, July 12, 1.50 p.m.

    Benvenuti from Locarno

    Welcome to the Moon&Stars ticker. From the second to the fifth day of the festival, blue Music reports live from Locarno. And the program has it all: tonight, true rock legends Krokus and Status Quo will make the guitar strings tremble.

    Only St. Peter is probably not a fan of shrill electric guitars: MeteoSwiss, the Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology, has issued a level 4 thunderstorm warning ("great danger") for Friday. Let's hope that the aforementioned weather patron will get a taste for it by the evening - but the old rockers will be in the right mood regardless of the conditions.

    The blue sky is still pushing through the clouds in Locarno.
    The blue sky is still pushing through the clouds in Locarno.
    blue Music

    However, the weather situation is still friendly at a mild 23 degrees. Even the sun is peeking through the thick cloud cover from time to time - albeit increasingly rarely. Let's hope it stays that way.

Magical concert evenings on the Piazza Grande - that's what Moon&Stars in Locarno stands for. The festival has been attracting international stars to Ticino since 2004; Joe Cocker, Depeche Mode and Stevie Wonder are just some of the names from a long list that have already paid their respects at Moon&Stars.

This year's edition also attracts international music greats: From July 11 to 21, headliners such as Status Quo, Krokus, Patent Ochsner and Lenny Kravitz will be gracing the Piazza Grande. There are also free daily concerts on the Piazza Piccola. And all this against the picturesque backdrop of Locarno and Lagio Maggiore.

As a media partner, blue Music will once again be broadcasting concert highlights exclusively on free TV on blue Zoom and simultaneously streamed on blue News. You can find all the information here.

Experience the best concerts with blue Music

With blue Music and as a sponsor of the most renowned music festivals in Switzerland, Swisscom creates unique experiences on site, on the road and at home. We accompany many of the best and biggest national open airs and show the stars of the scene in front of and behind the scenes exclusively on all our channels: online at blue News, on social media and with blue Zoom and blue TV also on the big screen at home.