Asked at 4.30 a.m. This is how philosophical festival goers answer questions about meaning

Dominik Müller


What is the meaning of life? Difficult to answer at 4.30 a.m. after a night of partying. blue Music host Bettina Bestgen ventured into the crowd at Openair Gampel. See and hear the answers in the video.

No time? blue News summarizes for you

  • blue Music host Bettina Bestgen ventured onto the Gampel festival site at 4.30 am.
  • There she asked the partygoers who were still awake the big questions of life.
  • You can see the answers in the video.

Scene: Openair Gampel, 4.30 am. The perfect place and the right time to ponder the big questions of life. Is there life after death? Would your parents be proud of you? What is love for you? What do you think about toxic masculinity? Not an easy subject to discuss after a night of partying.

blue Music host Bettina Bestgen did just that. And indeed, the night owls surveyed delved deep into the topic. However, it is doubtful whether the answers would have been the same in the middle of the day.

Hopefully the Openair Gampel awaits after their own demise. Friendship is important, but so is money. Love is when another person complements your feelings. And toxic masculinity is demonstrated live in front of the camera.

That's not deep enough for you? Then check out the video to see what other philosophical answers the Gampel visitors provided at this early morning hour.

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