Ex-dream couple Are Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie getting closer again in Venice?

Bruno Bötschi


Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt were together for twelve years and married for two of them before splitting up in 2016.
Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt were together for twelve years and married for two of them before splitting up in 2016.

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt were the dream couple in Hollywood. Since the couple divorced, they have covered themselves in lawsuits. But now there could be a reunion at the Venice Film Festival.


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  • Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt were considered the dream couple in the Hollywood film industry for twelve years.
  • Since their divorce in 2016, the ex-couple have been covering themselves in lawsuits.
  • Jolie and Pitt could bump into each other again at the Venice Film Festival - but only on a purely professional level.

It can be pretty awkward to bump into your ex-partner at a party.

But imagine the drinks reception takes place during the Venice Film Festival and the people involved are Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt.

From August 28, the Italian lagoon city could become the setting for this high-profile drama: as "The Hollywood Reporter" writes, Jolie and Pitt have shot films that could possibly both premiere in Venice.

Jolie plays Callas, Pitt a crime scene cleaner

The works of the ex-couple "Brangelina" could not be more different:

Angelina Jolie plays opera singer Maria Callas in the last days of her life in the film biopic "Maria" by Pablo Larraín. Insiders believe that the film will be shown to cinema audiences for the first time in Venice.

Meanwhile, Brad Pitt plays a crime scene cleaner who has to deal with a rival (George Clooney) in the gangster comedy "Wolfs". The film was directed by US-American Jon Watts.

The movie is said to be light fare. However, "The Hollywood Reporter" believes that it still has a chance of making it to the world premiere in Venice because of Clooney's involvement.

"The festival can already tell the two apart"

So should we fear that Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt will get into a scuffle in the streets of Venice or even that one of them will push the other into a canal?

No, you don't have to.

Should it really come to pass that two films by Jolie and Pitt premiere in Venice, the festival organizers will make sure that the ex-couple will not meet in the alleys of the city.

"The festival can already keep the two apart," explains an insider in The Hollywood Reporter, adding that you can bet that both Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt's entourage will make sure the two don't cross paths in Venice.

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