Red heads after controversial decision "10 to 10" has to make way - SRF gives priority to the European Football Championship

Carlotta Henggeler


During the semi-finals of the European Championships, SRF is scrapping the news format "10 vor 10" - and showing football instead. In the picture: "10vor10" anchor Bigna Silberschmidt.
During the semi-finals of the European Championships, SRF is scrapping the news format "10 vor 10" - and showing football instead. In the picture: "10vor10" anchor Bigna Silberschmidt.
SRF/Roberto Crevatin

SRF removes news programs from its schedule during the European Championship semi-finals and reaps strong reactions. FDP politician Christian Wasserfallen finds the decision "absolutely incomprehensible".


No time? blue News summarizes for you

  • SRF is removing "10 vor 10" from its program during the European Championship semi-finals. A decision that triggers many internal and external reactions.
  • The European Football Championship ensures good viewing figures and high advertising revenue. That's why news programs have to make way for the European Championships.
  • FDP National Councillor Christian Wasserfallen finds the program change "absolutely incomprehensible".

Controversial decision at Swiss Television SRF: During the last week of the European Championship 2024, the news program "10 vor 10" will be removed from the program and replaced by football broadcasts on SRF 1.

The decision has led to discussions both inside and outside the company, as reported by the CH media.

The reallocation of the European Football Championship from the second channel to the first channel means that several information programs will be cancelled: On Tuesday and Wednesday, for example, the editions of "10 vor 10" will be canceled. On Sunday, both the late news and the "Newsflash" will not be broadcast.

Specifically, the two semi-finals and the final will be shown on SRF 1 and not on SRF 2 like all other matches before them. The reason given by SRF is the better visibility of these top matches. And more visibility means more expensive advertising.

Decision causes red heads internally and externally

The employees in the information department at SRF cannot understand the decision of the management. Swiss television is sending out completely the wrong signal. But TV Director Nathalie Wappler has no sympathy for the objections.

A public television station cannot simply remove a news program from the main program after the "Tagesschau" to make room for the European Football Championship.

SRF should at least show "10vor10" in a shorter light version.

SVP Federal Councillor and Media Minister Albert Rösti is also likely to take a critical view of the program change. He recently decided to leave SRG's license unchanged until 2028, but at the same time emphasized that publicly financed broadcasters should focus more on information and culture in the future.

FDP National Councillor Christian Wasserfallen: "Absolutely incomprehensible"

FDP National Councillor Christian Wasserfallen also has no sympathy for the change. Christian Wasserfallen says: "It is absolutely incomprehensible that Swiss television is doing away with news. Football matches can also be shown on the second channel and online."

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What do you want to watch at 10 to 10 - football or news?